For millions worldwide, the Rose Parade is an iconic New Year’s Day tradition. Members of the Burbank Tournament of Roses Association, a self-funded, all-volunteer organization, compete in the world-famous Pasadena Tournament of Roses.
Offside captures the commitment, passion and comradery of a female Polish football team during their gruelling, but critical pre-season training as their coach, sets the foundation for the new season ahead by pushing them to new limits.
"Has anyone ever considered that we're not machines, that we have a soul that can't be destroyed?" Jacqui Zwiren asks her sister Nicole who's filming a documentary about her. Shortly after filming, Jacqui's life was cut short at age 31.
Black Hawk Down: The Untold Story is a documentary film on the heroic efforts of the soldiers from the 2nd Battalion 14th Infantry Regiment, 10th Mountain Division (2-14). These men demonstrated extraordinary courage, skill, and discipline as they fought their way into a “baited ambush” to rescue the special operations forces pinned down at the crash site of Super Six-One while also attempting a rescue at the crash site of Super Six-Four. Two soldiers from the 2-14 were killed and eighteen wounded in what many have described as the most ferocious urban combat since the Battle for Huế during the Tet Offensive in 1968.
A portrait of Chinese writer Liu Xiaobo (1955-2017), a witness of the Tiananmen Square massacre (1989), a dissident, a woodpecker who tirelessly pecked the putrid brain of the Communist regime for decades, demanding democracy loudly and fearlessly. Silenced, arrested, convicted, imprisoned, dead. Nobel Peace Prize winner in 2010, alive forever. These are his last words.
An Iraqi journalist joins an army of uneasy allies and unforgettable characters in the epic battle to liberate the city of Mosul from the Islamic State.
Ever since there’s only one male northern white rhino remaining on earth, armed bodyguards protect him, tourists are standing in line to make a selfie with him, journalists rush to Kenya to tell his story and scientists are determined to find ways to reproduce his species. What is so attractive about the threat of extinction? How does this reflect on us?
In the stark Labrador interior, a growing number of Filipino workers have recently landed in Happy Valley-Goose Bay, travelling halfway around the world for jobs they hope will offer their families new opportunities and a better life. Becoming Labrador follows a handful of them as they make a place for themselves in Labrador while dealing with the unexpected costs of living far from their family.
The history of the Warsaw Ghetto (1940-43) as seen from both sides of the wall, its legacy and its memory: new light on a tragic era of division, destruction and mass murder thanks to the testimony of survivors and the discovery of a ten-minute film shot by Polish amateur filmmaker Alfons Ziółkowski in 1941.
From Tom of Finland to Bugs Bunny in a dress – animation has been a place where artists can unleash and explore their sexuality. When did all this g(art) start? Is it a sexual turn-on? How did the artists get their start? Why the obsession with these fantastical stories and characters? Are they taken seriously in the mainstream comic world? Hosts Andy Cheng and Cara Connors dive into the pages of comic books, animated series, films and video games to discover the LGBTQ characters in the documentary Drawn this Way.
The charismatic cats are generally quite shy, but very curious about the world around them. With the help of local rangers and 15 cameras set up in the Bohemian forest, we are able to track the lynxes and observe their every move – such as a hunt during night, or even the intimate hours during mating season. For the lynx, the environment around them is used to their advantage, like the long grass to sneak on prey, or even using the trees to sharpen their claws. With an arsenal of skills at their disposal, the lynx is an exceptional hunter. Come with us as we see these skills in action!
Dejan is an ordinary guy living in post-communist country. But each time a Chinese delegation visit his country, he’s treated as public enemy: state security taps his phones and tails both him and his family. The reason is he’s practising Falun Gong. But what is Falun Gong? Why is it banned and persecuted in China and what is the connection with Serbia? By following the events on the margins of Chinese Summit held in Belgrade in 2014, when police unlawfully detained 11 Falun Gong activists, we discover a story. The activists were held to avoid spreading the truth about Falun Gong in China. Through their testimony in this film, as well as Dejan’s exclusive video materials, the truth is finally brought to the light of the day. It's the bitter truth about China and the whole world we live in.
Fifty million people died in the Second World War, the biggest massacre in the history of humanity. But the animal kingdom also paid a heavy toll, despite no official numbers being compiled for the victims. This included combat animals, animals that backed up humans, those that entertained or consoled them, some that fed people, and other animals that were symbols. On all fronts and on all continents, at all points of the compass, beasts accompanied mankind in this global conflict. This full archive documentary - partly colorized - shows how dogs, horses, elephants and pigeons became WW2 soldiers’ best friends in battle.
The film follows the 21st Century formation of WITCH (We Intend To Cause Havoc), Zambia's most popular rock band of the 1970s, and documents the life of its lead singer, Jagari, whose name is an Africanisation of Mick Jagger's. Through the resurrection of a music that was forgotten by many and unheard by most, the film explores the life of a former African rock-star, and the excitement around the rediscovery of his music by Western fans, many of whom had yet to be born when his last album was released.
LOURDES, a small village where the Virgin Mary appeared to a young girl about 150 years ago. Still today LOURDES is more alive than ever. And Our Lady remains active and attentive to each of her children. About 6 million people visit it every year. After the pandemic, her devotion is increasing. The multitudinous processions of people seeking a miracle feed a small army of caregivers (nurses, volunteers, hospitalists) who accompany them. These pilgrims are an amazing display of humanity: accident victims, the terminally ill, an overweight teenager being bullied at school, a group of prostitutes and trans people from Paris, etc. LOURDES is an insightful meditation on the human capacity for empathy and hope, and especially a journey into the mystery of religious faith in the face of life's profound tribulations.
Set against the backdrop of an epic bike ride in Ireland's beautiful Connemara region, this inspirational film tells the story of Rick Boyle, a man who overcame extraordinary obstacles to become an avid long-distance bicyclist.