Betty White travels around the world to national parks, zoos and aquariums; along the way, she shares personal stories of her own pets and gives viewers a look at the organizations that support animals.
The Age of Anxiety is a film that delves into a crisis in motion according to the World Health Organization, disorders related to dread are the most prevalent mental illnesses on the globe at the moment. Is this a disease of modernity? Or is our highly competitive and material culture itself undermining our nerves? The Age of Anxiety explores these questions, while also investigating the role that pharmaceutical companies and even the psychiatric profession play in this phenomenon. Is our anxiety fueling an industry that in turn is profiting from and exploiting our dread in a vicious and self-perpetuating cycle?
Documentary about the modern apocalypse caused by a rapacious banking system. 23 leading thinkers – frustrated at the failure of their respective disciplines – break their silence to explain how the world really works.
The Brussels Business is a docu-thriller that dives into the grey zone underneath European democracy. An expedition into the world of the 15,000 lobbyists in the EU-capital, of the PR-conglomerates, think tanks and their all embracing networks of power and their close ties to the political elites.
On the evening of February 9, 1964, Ed Sullivan introduced The Beatles to America. The next morning 10 million teens had something new to do. With their jaws still on the floor and inspiration stirring within, thousands of youngsters knew their destiny lay in rock and roll. Banging away in their parents garages, teen bands created timeless music. Teen A Go Go is a rock and roll stomp from beginning to end, providing an entertaining, nostalgic ride into the vibrant teen scenes of the mid 1960's. Featuring original recordings, never before sen super 8 movies, rare archival footage, photographs and interviews with musicians, fans and industry experts. Teen A Go Go captures this historic burst of creativity that swept the nation and changed rock and roll forever.
In Real Fear: The Truth Behind the Movies, Chiller investigates the terrifying factual stories that inspired some of the scariest horror movies of all time, including Silent Hill, The Amityville Horror, The Mothman Prophecies and Poltergeist, through exclusive eyewitness interviews and reenactments of actual events. Paranormal investigator Katrina Weidman (Paranormal State) travels with three of her friends into the dark recesses of the unknown to uncover the buried secrets behind these four iconic films. Journey down the haunted high-ways of the American East Coast on a road trip to discover the origins of our most beloved horror films made. From a grisly series of murders in the small town Amityville to a devastating, subterranean fire in the rural town of Centralia...From the eye-witness reports of the inexplicable, red-eyed creature known as Mothman to the documented paranormal activity that inspired Poltergeist...The movies may be fiction, but the fear is very, very real...
In France, King Louis XIV, better known as the Sun King (le Roi-Soleil), made of his kingdom the leading European power during the 17th century. An original portrait of Louis XIV's engineer, Vauban, a man who after serving his sovereign zealously, questions the idea of absolutism and the economic misery of the kingdom.
Examines the reasons behind the rising costs of health care in the United States. Looks at the dangers of over-diagnosis and over-treatment and investigates how waste pervades our medical system. Also looks at how some hospitals are working to create less expensive and high quality alternatives to the present system.
In the gig poster community, artists such as Daniel Danger and Jay Ryan prove that creating this artwork is a way of life, more than just a career. These artists are at the forefront of an expansion of the gig poster genre. MONDO's reinvigoration of "the film poster as an art form," and Gallery 1988’s theme based exhibits are only two ways in which this artwork is reaching a greater public. In a community with strong roots, dating back to the 1960s, this expansion is controversial- refreshing to some, sacrilegious to others.
Koch Brothers Exposed is a hard-hitting investigation of the 1% at its very worst. This full-length documentary film on Charles and David Koch—two of the world’s richest and most powerful men—is the latest from acclaimed director Robert Greenwald (Wal-Mart: the High Cost of Low Price, Outfoxed, Rethink Afghanistan). The billionaire brothers bankroll a vast network of organizations that work to undermine the interests of the 99% on issues ranging from Social Security to the environment to civil rights. This film uncovers the Kochs’ corruption—and points the way to how Americans can reclaim their democracy.
Follow the Leader is a real-life coming-of-age story of three traditional American boys with Presidential dreams. At sixteen-years-old, high school Class Presidents Ben, D.J. & Nick are all conservatives who plan to continue leading their peers as President someday. Over three life-changing years, they split into Republican, Democratic and Independent camps as each reconsiders his lofty ambitions.
One day filmmaker Andres Pardo stumbles across 2,000 feet of Super 8 family footage at a flea market. Featured in all these 1970's home movies is a lovely young blond-haired girl, Larisa. Teaming up with a photographer friend, Pardon decides to investigate, uncovering the fascinating story behind the footage.
The truth about the million British horses that served in World War I is even more epic than Steven Spielberg’s War Horse feature film. This documentary tells their extraordinary, moving story, begining with the mass call-up of horses from every farm and country estate in the land. Racing commentator Brough Scott tells the tale of his aristocratic grandfather General Jack Seely and his beloved horse Warrior, who would become the most famous horse of the war. The British Army hoped its illustrious cavalry regiments would win a swift victory, but it would be years before they enjoyed their moment of glory. Instead, in a new era of mechanised trench warfare, the heavy horses transporting guns, ammunition and food to the front-line troops were most important. A quarter of a million of these horses died from shrapnel wounds and disease. But the deep bond that developed between man and horse helped both survive the hell of the Somme and Passchendaele.
For over 130 years till 1996, more than 100,000 of Canada's First Nations children were legally required to attend government-funded schools run by various Christian faiths. There were 80 of these 'residential schools' across the country. Most children were sent to faraway schools that separated them from their families and traditional land. These children endured brutality, physical hardship, mental degradation, and the complete erasure of their culture. The schools were part of a wider program of assimilation designed to integrate the native population into 'Canadian society.' These schools were established with the express purpose 'To kill the Indian in the child.' Told through their own voices, 'We Were Children' is the shocking true story of two such children: Glen Anaquod and Lyna Hart.
Expert Ghost Hunters from Haunted Events UK search for life-after death in the notoriously haunted Old Street Market of Sutton Town in historic old Englad. The area is so haunted that within minutes the investigation's medium is contacted by not one, but four spirits. The night becomes so frightening that the hunt is called off, but not before one final terrifying incident. Prepare yourselves for the most shocking Ghost Hunt ever recorded.