15 years after "Lost in la Mancha", Keith Fulton and Louis Pepe come back to follow Terry Gilliam's new (successful) attempt at filming "The Man Who Killed Don Quixote".
The sensational true story of the most infamous tabloid in US history, a wild, probing look at how one newspaper's prescient grasp of its readers' darkest curiosities led it to massive profits and influence.
Following director Rotimi Rainwater, a former homeless youth, as he travels the country to shine a light on the epidemic of youth homelessness in America.
Steve Talt used to bodyguard Farah Pahlavi, the exiled Queen of Iran. So when he discovers that her art was stolen by the Mafia in 1980, he sets out on a quixotic quest to recover it.
Some people grapple with the moral challenges of treating human beings decently. Others are just… assholes. Inspired by Aaron James’ New York Times bestseller of the same name, this documentary investigates the breeding grounds of contemporary ‘asshole culture’ — and locates signs of civility in an otherwise rude and nasty universe. Venturing into predominantly male domain, this film moves from Ivy League frat clubs to the bratty princedoms of Silicon Valley and the bear pits of international finance. Why do assholes thrive in certain environments? What explains their perverse appeal? And how do they keep getting elected?
Backyard Chicken Coops is an informative how-to documentary both for people interested in this new trend in small scale agriculture, and for those looking to start raising chickens of their own. Imagine being able to pick up farm fresh eggs from your backyard! For some, it's no longer just a fantasy. Chicken cooping has taken off in backyards all over the country, not only bringing food production closer to home, but enlightening lives with charming, quirky pets!
Imagine hanging out with Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie, hearing them jam together, trading riffs, then riffing with words and trading stories. Bird and Diz are gone, but giants still walk among us. One of those giants is Buster Williams. Buster has played with everyone - Miles, Sarah Vaughan, Nancy Wilson, Art Blakey, and on. In this intimate portrait, Buster trades stories, and plays, with some of the world's greatest musicians - Benny Golson, Herbie Hancock, Christian McBride and others, and takes us on a journey through his life, legacy, and America's greatest art form - the truly universal music called Jazz.
Follow filmmaker Don Meers on a paranormal road trip across the sunburnt landscapes of the Australian outback in hopes of solving one of Australia’s greatest mysteries: the Min Min light.
Jackson Pollock said, “he makes the rest of us look academic,” Mark Rothko acknowledged him as a “myth-maker” and Clement Greenberg called him “a highly influential maverick and an independent genius.” Clyfford Still, one of the strongest, most original contributors to abstract expressionism, walked away from the commercial art world at the height of his career. Extremely disciplined, principled, and prolific, Still left behind a treasure trove of works like no other major artist in history. With a wonderful mosaic of archival material, found footage and audio recorded by the artist himself, Lifeline paints a picture of a modern icon, his uncompromising creative journey and the price of independence.
The first documentary portrait of fashion icon Ralph Lauren, reveals the man behind the icon and the creation of one of the most successful brands in fashion history.
In July, 2002, Johnny Johnson was arrested and charged with the abduction and murder of 6-year-old Cassandra WilliIn July, 2002, Johnny Johnson was arrested and charged with the abduction and murder of 6-year-old Cassandra Williamson in Valley Park, Missouri. The effects of the crime continue to reverberate in the community. During the capital murder trial, a proceeding clouded by questions of mental illness and competency, a juror described the killing as "the worst possible crime." This film seeks to answer the question: Does the worst possible crime deserve the worst possible punishment?
Howard Bloom spent much of the 1970s and 80s as the publicist for iconic musicians like Michael Jackson, Prince, Joan Jett, Run-DMC, and Aerosmith. When a rare disease left him housebound for 15 years, Bloom reinvented himself as an author, publishing several books on evolutionary psychology and humanity’s role in the cosmos. Now in his 70s, the eccentric philosopher readies an unfathomably long masterwork that will unify all of his unorthodox theories, and makes plans for his legacy.
Despite restrictions beginning under the regime of Fidel Castro, heavy metal band Zeus became icons of the Cuban music scene. Over the decades, the band and their front man, Diony Arce, have challenged the status quo under threat of government suppression. As the bandmates approach their 30th anniversary together in a shifting political and social climate, they embark on a national tour while contemplating the cultural influence of metal as a genre and music as their life's purpose.
UnRepresented is an award-winning documentary that uncovers the mechanisms that drive the cycle of corruption in Congress — giving political insiders enormous, unchecked power. The film explores how special interests bankroll political campaigns and relentlessly lobby to rig the system in their favor, all while following the letter of the law. Featuring luminaries and leaders including Harvard Law professor Lawrence Lessig and sitting member of Congress Rep. Justin Amash, the film reveals the powerful possibilities to reform our government to better represent the people. UnRepresented serves as a rallying call to bring committed public servants, activists and everyday Americans together to take action across partisan lines to change our flawed political system.
A collaboration between acclaimed Canadian documentary filmmakers Nik Sheehan (FLicKeR, No Sad Songs) and Albert Nerenberg (You are What you Act, Laughology), Who Farted? is the world’s first climate change documentary comedy — and hopefully not its last. Who Farted? suggests that understanding our place in nature is essential to our continued existence as a species. If we can’t deal with our own flatulence, how can we hope to comprehend the looming climate catastrophe? Are farts malevolent? Disgusting? Beneficial? Hilarious? What exactly is a fart? And how much does animal flatulence truly contribute to runaway climate change? From antiquity’s first fart joke to the ubiquitous whoopee cushion, the act of flatus both amuses and dismays... and now may contribute to civilization’s demise. Who Farted? is a frightening, illuminating, and funny journey through the absurd reality of 21st Century human survival.
A short documentary featuring waterman Kalani Lattanzi challenging the boundaries of Big Wave Surfing. Filmed in Nazaré and Rio de Janeiro, he faces the biggest waves in the world, in the most pure form of wave riding: bodysurf.
Get ready for Slime Time…..as it’s about to get messy!!! The slime craze has taken over the world. Thanks to the internet, people all over are able to share their love for this crazy new sensation and push their creativity to its limits. This gorgeous gooey substance has become a hobby and an obsession for many. A combination of science, art and fun– slime is a putty-like sticky substance that is made by mixing together unsuspecting household ingredients and causing a chemical reaction. We share over an hour of the best slime tips, tricks and recipes. Staring internet sensation Talisa Tossell, and many more content creators our slime experts will teach you everything you need to know about slime- from butter slime to mermaid slime the possibilities are endless. Join in on the fun, grab your ingredients and let’s get started!
Personhood tells a different reproductive rights story - one that ripples far beyond the right to choose and into the lives of every pregnant person in America. Tammy Loertscher’s fetus was given an attorney, while the courts denied Tammy her constitutional rights. In this timely documentary, we see her sent to jail, and then forced to challenge a Wisconsin law that eroded her privacy, her right to due process, and her body sovereignty. Through her story, Personhood reframes the abortion debate to encompass the growing system of laws that criminalize and police pregnant women. These little known laws, which now exist in 38 states, disproportionately target lower income women and women of color. At the intersection of the erosion of women’s rights, the war on drugs, and mass incarceration, Tammy’s experience reveals the dangerous consequences that these laws have on America’s mothers and families.
The feature documentary Searching for Mr. Rugoff is the story of Donald Rugoff, who was the crazy genius behind Cinema 5, the mid-century theater chain and film distribution company. Rugoff was a difficult (some would say impossible) person but was also the man who kicked art films into the mainstream with outrageous marketing schemes and pure bluster. Rugoff's impact on cinema culture in the United States is inestimable, and his influence on the art film business-from the studio classics divisions to the independent film movement to the rise of the Weinsteins-is undeniable. Yet, mysteriously, Rugoff has become a virtually forgotten figure. The story is told through the eyes of former employee Ira Deutchman, who sets out to find the truth about the man who had such a major impact on his life, and to understand how such an important figure could have disappeared so completely.