A three year self-described labour of love, 2040 takes the form of a visual letter from the filmmaker to his four-year-old daughter Velvet, showing her what the year 2040 could look like “if we simply embraced the best solutions that exist today.”
Thirty thousand square meters and 2,000 inmates, half of them under 30 years old. The Baumettes jail tells about misery, violence, abandonment, and also hopes. It is a story with its screams and its silences. A concentrate of humanity.
Today consumers Yelp everything from restaurants to dentists; plumbers to surgeons. The small business community sees Yelp's sales tactic as extortion. Does Yelp genuinely have an interest in helping people support the best local businesses, or are they a pay-to-play advertising platform?
Does privacy still exist in 2019? In less than a generation, the internet has become a mass surveillance machine based on one simple mindset: If it's free, you're the product. Our information is captured, stored and made accessible to corporations and governments across the world. To the hacker community, Big Brother is real and only a technological battle can defeat him.
Two extreme sports athletes enter a contest in the hopes of winning the cash prize. They soon learn that the “game” is a dangerous cross between an evil reality show and a frightening ritual that will push them beyond the limits of extreme.
Offside captures the commitment, passion and comradery of a female Polish football team during their gruelling, but critical pre-season training as their coach, sets the foundation for the new season ahead by pushing them to new limits.
Portsmouth FC is the tale for our footballing times. Big names. Big business. Big debt. In 2008 the club won the FA Cup and hosted AC Milan, but behind the scenes things were unravelling. This film shares the story of how Pompey were saved by those who loved them most: the fans. This is OUR CLUB.
Oxycontin. Codeine. Fentanyl. All prescription drugs to which countless patients have become addicted. As America battles an opioid crisis that sees 170 citizens die everyday, lawyers and prosecutors are trying to bring an end to Big Pharma's impunity. How did it happen? And how can we hold those responsible to account?
An Iraqi journalist joins an army of uneasy allies and unforgettable characters in the epic battle to liberate the city of Mosul from the Islamic State.
Ever since there’s only one male northern white rhino remaining on earth, armed bodyguards protect him, tourists are standing in line to make a selfie with him, journalists rush to Kenya to tell his story and scientists are determined to find ways to reproduce his species. What is so attractive about the threat of extinction? How does this reflect on us?
Jerrod Carmichael explores aspects of the black experience through interviews with his family. In this special, Carmichael focuses on the strong black women in his life, returning home to North Carolina for informal, intimate conversations with his family and friends, who speak candidly about subjects such as sex, confidence, beauty standards and feminism.
Larger-than-life actress, cabaret performer, activist, and proud sex professional since the age of eleven, Luana Muniz - arguably one of Brazil’s most recognizable transgender personalities, shapes a new reality for a new generation of transgender sex workers in her hostel by providing a safe working environment in the dangerous neighborhood of Lapa in Rio de Janeiro. Queen of Lapa explores the day-to-day lives, quests for love, housemate rivalries in a turbulent political climate under matriarch Muniz’s watchful and guiding eye.
To many in the bodybuilding world, Calum von Moger is seen as the future of the sport. A two time Mr. Universe champion who has proven himself to have one of the greatest physiques currently on the professional stage; Calum was catapulted into social media stardom. Known for his resemblance to Arnold Schwarzenegger and dubbed Arnold 2.0. But a sudden and tragic bicep tear brought his training and goals to a grinding halt. Losing dozens of pounds of muscle and unable to train until fully recovering – Calum was forced to reassess his bodybuilding path and find a way to fight back up to the top. Calum von Moger: Unbroken chronicles his rise, fall, and now recovery as he moves into a promising career in television and film. Showcasing a man with an indomitable will that overcomes all the hurdles in his path and taking him to a place that both skeptics and doctors thought was impossible.
Against the backdrop of the Civil Rights Movement of the mid-1960s, a young San Francisco Chinatown resident armed with a 16mm camera and leftover film scraps from a local TV station, turned his lens onto his community. Totaling more than 20,000 feet of film (10 hours), Harry Chuck's exquisite unreleased footage has captured a divided community's struggles for self-determination. Chinatown Rising is a documentary film about the Asian-American Movement from the perspective of the young residents on the front lines of their historic neighborhood in transition. Through publicly challenging the conservative views of their elders, their demonstrations and protests of the 1960s-1980s rattled the once quiet streets during the community’s shift in power. Forty-five years later, in intimate interviews these activists recall their roles and experiences in response to the need for social change.