In this musical adventure, Alvin develops an alter ego after Brittany rejects his offer to the Valentine Ball. In a dream state, he becomes a dashing Don Juan, the Valentine heartbreaker extraordinaire CAPTAIN CHIPMUNK. Brittany is quickly won over and eagerly accepts his offer to the Valentine Ball. Hilarious consequences follow when Alvin wakes up at the dance and realizes he’s not the dashing debonair Captain Chipmunk.
Mafia kidnaps an investigator's little son after he discovers massive thefts on a local shoe factory. With the help of his three old friends, two cops and a newspaper reporter he struggles to rescue his son and close the case at the same time.
A tavern on Pyatnitskaya street is a meeting place for all kind of criminals. The only way for police to infiltrate the criminals is to send an undercover agent to the tavern.
In the beginning of the 20th. century Italian actor Guido Guidi, more enthusiastic than talented, and his ensemble tour Texas. The mysterious and obviously rich Peppino Garibaldi gives them an offer, they can’t deny: For a large amount of dough they should play “Richard III.” in the Mexican town Vera Cruz.
But Peppino is not really interested in cultural affairs: He supports “La Revolución” and “General” Carasco, who utilizes the feastful premiere of “Richard III.” to raid Vera Cruz for Comandante Zapata. But shortly after the Mexican Army shows up with some canons in tow to sort things out.
Guidi and Padre Albino, Italian like him, succeed to flee and save Carasco accidentially from the firing squad. Whereas the latter coninues his revolutionary fight, Guidi and Albino start an odyssey through the struggling Mexico, which lets them fall one time in the hands of Carasco the other time in those of Herrera or even in the clutches of “hand-taking&rdq
Richard Brown, a decorated Vietnam War veteran now living in Indonesia, discovers that gunmen invaded his home, murdered his son, Bobby, (preparing to celebrate his 8th birthday), and gang-raped and murdered his wife, Florinda. Vowing revenge, he begins to track down the culprits, learning in the process that they're in the employ of a business rival named Hawk. At one point he's captured, beaten, and tortured but then he's rescued by Julia, Hawk's personal secretary, who also seeks revenge on her employer for causing the death of her sister. Brown eventually finds and confronts Hawk at Hawk's fortress-like compound.
Sherlock Holmes must track down his nemesis, Professor Moriarty, after the villain kidnaps Holmes' brother, Mycroft. The evil doctor is forcing his captive to decode highly classified military documents.
Action packed vampire kung fu movie produced by Joseph Kuo. Jack Long portrays a fighting Taoist priest, who helps with the aid of his disciples to reunite a baby vampire with his parents from the "King of Evil", who has captured the young hopper to enhance his own powers.
Toby and his sister Liz live with their aunt and uncle, who take in Cambodian orphan Hoang while he awaits foster placement. The trio become fast friends, and, as they explore a nearby wood, encounter a retired engineer living in an abandoned freight car. Playing off Toby's already active imagination, the kids and the engineer use the train car to make a fantastic journey to Cambodia.
When Mowgli was just a baby, or as his adopted parents call him, a "man cub," Shere Khan the tiger went after Mowgli's mother and father. Baby Mowgli wondered off into the den of a wolf family with newly arrived cubs. The mother wolf wants to add Mowgli to her pack of cubs and when the others see how brave Mowgli is, they agree. Shere Khan, having been searching for the baby since he attacked the parents, finally finds him in the wolf den. When the wolves protect him, Shere Khan vows to hunt Mowgli down someday and becomes driven to destroy him.
Theo and Thea want to make a movie of Snow White, but Gerard Joling, who should play prince, cries off. Someone suggests to ask opera singer Marco Bakker. First he doesn't want to, but when Theo and Thea dress up like jazz singers Bea and Ans, he decides to join in. Marco even falls in love with the dressed-up Theo. Written by Clausule
A gang of middle class teen kids stumbles upon a crime in their neighborhood. Remarkably one of the gang members is in a wheelchair, he is somewhat the leader of the group.
An astronaut, known only as The Survivor, returns from space only to find Earth a desolate, post-nuclear wasteland. Spending the next ten years searching for others, he finds rumors and signs of a hidden underground city. He finds a woman who claims to know where the city is, but she is kidnapped before she can tell him. Desperate to locate this hidden remnant of humanity, he begins his pursuit of her captors.
Set in a world of fantasy and adventure, Amon is a young warrior embarking on a quest to avenge the death of his mother. When the hunt leads him ultimately to the kingdom of Valhiss, Amon enlists in the ranks of the Emperor's army in order to gain an opportunity to exact his revenge. However, a chance encounter with the Princess Lichia, being held captive by the Emperor in an effort to ransom a map away from his main rival, King Darai-Sem, Amon must decide whether to follow his path of revenge or to help rescue the Princess in an effort to save a lost kingdom.
Antoine, 11, is on holiday with his grandfather. One night he catches thieves hiding their booty in a pond. Antoine seizes the 40 million. But Liza, his new friend, is the daughter of one of the criminals. Both children soon face threats.