Francis Barclay, a former member of the British Admiralty, who was captured in the early 1700s, and sold into slavery, by Andrew McAllister, and forced into piracy, enlists the aid of Dick Lindsay, to help him invade MacAllister's fortified island. The latter falls in love with MacAllister's daughter,Christine.
Three alien beings - a Sontaran officer, a Draconian nobleman and a Human mercenary - find themselves transported to a remote asteroid by a mysterious alien who wants to test their worthiness for his race's masterplan
When a roaming German Shepherd Dog rescues a boy's pet lamb from the slaughterhouse he struggles to reunite them, despite being chased by police and getting little cooperation from the lamb.
A young boy is taught to use his imagination by his grandfather who casts him in a great adventure back in time. Using a magic coin, he enters the medieval world of Sinbad, who must rescue a beautiful princess from the clutches of an evil knight.
After the Ming Emperor is overthrown and his infant son put in the care of the Black Dragon Society, a traitorous martial arts clan attacks the society and forces two inexperienced swordsmen to flee with the infant and begin a dangerous journey in search of allies.
The Silver Fox is a throwback, the last of its kind where the heroic swordsmen are women. Lily Ho (before she became one of Shaw Brothers' great erotica actresses) portrays the feared swordswoman Silver Fox, who as a child saw her father senselessly wounded and her mother raped. It's 18 years later and it's payback time.
Experienced heroine Li Li-Hua plays a swordswoman out to reclaim her murdered husband's "Green Sword," the sharpest blade in the world. The lovely Li Ching plays the role of Li Li-hua's student, who must take up the fight when her teacher falters.
Italy during the Napoleonic wars: A French General and his Adjutant are separated from their unit get beyond the enemy lines. There they meet Carlotta the resolute daughter of an Italian Count, who cannot withstand the charm of the French.
The daughter of Sir Donovan is believed dead with her mother and other relatives in a plane crash in the African jungle. Fifteen years later, vague reports arrive in Europe that a Kenyan tribe has elected a white woman as their queen, Tarzana (meaning 'strange woman' in Bantu), and Sir Donovan wants to believe she is his daughter.
Wing Foot is a Navajo educated in an otherwise all-white school. He experiences prejudice from both the whites (because of his race) and the Navajos (who disown him because of his upbringing). Thus, Wing Foot is looked upon as neither Indian nor white, but simply a "redskin".
History of theft and double crossing when two thieves fall out over the theft of the money of the proceeds of the sale of a house by a banker to a religious community.
Hercules, having agreed to restore justice to Mycenae, confronts evil Prince Myles. The villain is invested with power over giant bronze warriors by his mother Pasiphaë, a sorceress in Hades. Myles assassinates the king and abducts his cousin, Queen Ate, through whom he plans to inherit the throne. Although Zeus temporarily removes Hercules' strength for killing Eurystheus, an innocent man framed by Myles, the god restores his powers. Hercules then saves Ate and destroys Myles, Pasiphaë, and the giant warriors.
Alboino, the Lombard ruler, wants to marry the daughter of a neighboring king, but she loves another. Her father arranges the marriage to Alboino, which he believes will be beneficial to him, only to have Alboino kill him and leave Amalchi, his daughter's real love, beaten and left for dead. Amalchi recovers to lead a revolt against the murderous Alboino and reclaim his woman.