Two recap specials that focus on Team Urameshi's matches in the Dark Tournament and four separate volumes focusing around one of the main characters; Yusuke, Kurama, Hiei, or Kuwabara.
When cars start to explode, which can lead to a serious oil crisis, Tintin and his friends travel to the Middle East to get to the bottom of the problem.
A bust of Stalin is cut open on an operating table, leading to an elaborate animated depiction of Czech history from 1948 (the Communist takeover) to 1989 (the Velvet Revolution).
This film introduces us to Hugo, a one-of-a-kind animal who lives in a jungle. Youthful and carefree, Hugo is prone to playing practical jokes on his friends, Zig and Zag the monkeys. His idyllic lifestyle is interrupted when he is captured by CEO of a famed movie company, Conrad Cupmann, to be co-star in a Hollywood-style film. In order to return from Copenhagen to his jungle home, he must escape with the help of a newly found friend, Rita the fox.
Lupin III competes with the Kisugi sisters to steal a triptych of paintings that once belonged to their father, and which hold the key to a long-unsolved mystery.
Shimmy, a monkey newly discover superhero powers and learns how to control his extraordinary transformative abilities and prevent powerful demonic forces from sending the universe into chaos.
In Avispatropolis, the fearless Captain Avispa emerges as an exemplary protector of the city, whose courage and convictions always prevail over the forces of evil. His unbreakable power is nourished by absolute sincerity, as he would lose his strength if he dared to weave deceit. Only in pursuit of noble causes does he allow himself to deviate from the truth. As is common in stories of this kind, Captain Wasp is surrounded by a constellation of close friends and arch-enemies, whose stories have their origins in the artist's songs.
The other kids never ask Dong-Dong to play, but he’s fine just playing marbles on his own. Until one day, he buys a bag of colorful candies and begins to discover new voices and perspectives.
Violetta (337), a curious and cheeky fairy, gets lost in the human world. To find her way back to the fairy world, she teams up with the human girl Maxie (12) and discovers her true destiny.
The bird and the shadow are born in God's hands. God asks the shadow to never let go of the bird's feet. The shadow feels guilty seeing how the bird longs to fly away.