Pluto and the cat, goaded by a TV commercial for turkey, raid the fridge and find a turkey inside. The cat gets there first and re-heats the turkey, first on the furnace duct, and then, trying to hide from Pluto, inside the tube-type TV - but he over-does it a bit.
Summer is gone, and throughout the forest young squirrels are working hard gathering acorns for the long cold winter ahead. But one such squirrel has a better idea: winning acorns by shooting dice.
This short animation transports us from the farthest conceivable point of the universe to the tiniest particle of existence, an atom of a living human cell. The art of animation and animation camera achieve this exhilarating journey with a freshness and clarity. Without words.
A wolf, deprived of meat by war rationing and starving, sees an article in the newspaper about a sheepdog leaving his flock to join the army and thinks it will be easy pickings. However, if he had read the rest of the article, he would know that the flock is now guarded by the ram Killer Diller, a most formidable foe.
The film addresses issues of racism in the Jim Crow American South. Themes of racial injustice, racial violence, working-class solidarity dominate the film. It depicts black men working in a field, walking in chains, sitting behind bars, and being executed in an electric chair. In most scenes, a white authority figure is seen whipping or guarding the men.
It's ice skating time. After a few generic ice-skating gags, we get to the main story. An animal falls through the ice, and a pig doing W.C. Fields (W.C. Squeals, apparently) calls for help from a Saint Bernard dog. The dog dispenses a drink, and Squeals begins scheming to get some himself. First he tries faking his own fall through the ice, but the dog sees through it and downs the drink himself. Then Squeals tries using a dish of bones and a magnet, but the magnet falls through the ice and gets stuck around a fish. The fish then swims through a liquor spill from the dog's casket; the drunken fish grabs an ax and, swimming in a circle, dunks another skater. He then latches onto Squeals' skates, and hauls him into an ice-skating contest, where the fish-induced antics win him first prize. Squeals fills the loving cup from the dog's cask, and the fish swims off with it.
On the eve of the New Year, several children write a letter to Father Frost asking him to send them a Christmas tree for the holiday, and then they make a Snowman who should take the letter to the magic forest. When midnight arrives, under the beat of a clock, the Snowman comes to life and, together with a small yard puppy, nicknamed Druzhok, sets off in search of Father Frost.
Droopy and Butch are competing race car drivers in a road race. While Butch has the faster car, his cockiness and the time he spends on unsuccessful schemes to stop Droopy work against him.
Tony Hawk's Boom Boom HuckJam arrives in the town of Lincolville and bumps a crummy circus. The evil circus ringleader, Grimley, exacts his revenge by kidnapping Tony and jacking the HuckJam. Tony's only hope is a bunch of local skater punks.
In a dream Uncle Jack looks through a magic telescope owned by the ghost of a hermit and sees what life was like millions of years ago, including a battle between prehistoric monsters.
Focuses on a boy as he discovers love and comes to face the morality of his family. The film speaks of this through a web of oblique details, attempting to capture the flesh of relations and, perhaps, the very tension of being...
Beryl acquires a new Digi Video camera and becomes obsessed with the art of filmmaking, using it to articulate her desires, dreams and thoughts in a video diary. As “cineaste par excellence” she agrees to film her friend’s wedding, seizing the opportunity to “strut her stuff filmically” with disastrous and often hilarious results.