Boys playing back alley baseball improbably hold their afternoon game at the Polo Grounds. Felix the Cat takes action when his favored team seems poised to lose.
A live-action little boy is caught stealing jam! When he asks his big sister how she knew he had done it, she answers "A little bird told me." This launches an animated segment about a newspaper run by birds and how they got the scoop on the little boy's crime.
Droopy is on his way to woo his lovely señorita when he is waylayed by Slick the Wolf intent on winning the fair lass. But Slick wasn't counting on Droopy's uncanny ability to be in the right place at the right time.
Popeye skates over to Olive's house to give her a Christmas present: ice skates of her own. While he's teaching her, Bluto skates up and gets fresh; of course, Popeye fights him. When Olive rejects Bluto again, he sends her careening on an ice floe towards a waterfall.
Honey is trying to teach violin to a difficult pupil who hates music. She call Bosko over. The pair sing and dance and play music while the kitten continues to express its disdain.
Played on a distant television screen in the dark (with some additional zooms by Lawler), 'Runaway' mainly consists of looped footage of what looks like a Fleischer or Terry cartoon, in which a group of dogs, intrigued by surrounding sounds, run to the left of the screen, and then to the right, back and forth, while a frenzied, spiraling organ score plays over the top. The scene eventually begins to warp and disintegrate. The result is equal parts mind-numbing and hypnotic.