Bartholomew Cubbins has SO MANY HATS. Every time he removes one in the presence of the King, it is replaced magically with another. This enrages the King, who brings him to trial, and to the ultimate sentence.
Porky Pig soon discovers that a termite is responsible for his belongings crumbling to dust. When he can't exterminate the termite himself, he goes to a shyster who offers him a series of unsuccessful methods to remove the termite.
Woody is shooting pool at a farm house when one of his pool balls rolls into a nearby henhouse. He takes the ball back but must battle with the hen who thinks the woodpecker is taking one of her eggs. Woody makes several attempts to get the ball back from the protective poultry finally disguising himself as a macho continental rooster whom the hen falls for causing Woody to retrieve his ball. But it doesn't last long.
Wally Walrus is a day sleeper and requires daily rest while his neighbor in the adjacent apartment, Woody Woodpecker, is a night sleeper who does his chores during the day. Needless to say, Woody's noisy chores tend to keep the hapless Wally from getting any slumber particularly when he burns his leaves in the backyard, the smoke from the burning pile travelling into Wally's room eventually turning the pipes in his bed into a musical organ! But Wally gets the last laugh...
The 1890s; a picnic in the park. A man is pitching woo to his girl, while behind them a steady stream of ants is methodically devouring and carting off their food. Some other interludes include four ants eating Russian rye bread, then breaking for a Russian dance; a torch singer that sends everyone scurrying for some kind of ear plugs; a chef ant that coordinates the creation of three sandwiches that the humans eat.
An emaciated canary, singing like Frank Sinatra, is getting on the nerves of a pipe-puffing parrot, who speaks like Bing Crosby. The parrot spots Sylvester, foraging through the trash. Telling the cat he needs more vitamins (which the canary has been swallowing in bulk), he lures the cat inside to snare the canary. The straightforward approach fails (the canary bops him in the nose). He carves a female canary from soap, lures Frankie there; the birds slide down a greased counter, into the sink, and down the drain, but only the soap bird goes through the pipe and down Sylvester's throat. A trail of birdseed into the garage seems to work, but Frankie jacks Sylvester's mouth open. Sylvester laces the vitamins with buckshot; like all cartoon magnets, his attracts everything metal in sight except his prey.
Driving down a U.S. highway, Woody Woodpecker passes a billboard which reminds him that he should renew his driver's license. He heads to the Department of Motor Vehicles and asks Officer Wally Walrus, who takes an immediate dislike to Woody, to give him the test. He puts Woody through the eye test, the reflex test, and the fingerprint test...with Woody constantly making short work of the walrus' patience.
Take-off on the "Duffy's Tavern" radio program, with tough-guy Eddie G. Robincat demanding a meal of mouse knuckles, "of which we ain't got none," waiter Filligan informs his absentee boss on the phone. To fill the plate, Filligan then tries to catch the blabbermouth mouse, Sniffles.
A newspaper announces that Ivan Awfulitch, the famous ambassador, is due to have a barbecue with local resident Wally Walrus. Unfortunately, while Wally is preparing the barbecue, the scent of the steaks he is cooking attracts an unwelcome guest in the form of Woody Woodpecker. He steals some of the food through a knothole in the fence then uses a bow and arrow to get the rest.
Daffy Duck hears a duckling crying, arousing Daffy, so he asks the duckling why he is so sad. The duckling is short-tempered and cried, until the hunter succeeded in stealing the satchel reads a note finding out why the duckling is so sad.
Henery Hawk, making his first appearance in a Warner Bros. cartoon, refuses the worm his mother is trying to feed him; after all, he's a chicken hawk. That night, he sneaks out to the hen house, but comes up against a protective rooster.
A homeowner is enjoying his lovely lawn and garden when it's invaded by a couple of gophers with Brooklyn accents. The homeowner attacks, but the gophers outsmart him at every turn: They duck his hoe and shotgun. He gasses them with helium, and they float away -- causing a crow to throw away his bottle. The inflated gophers hit a tree and fall to earth. The gardener fishes for the gophers under his hat; they substitute a tomato, and he cries, thinking he's squished a gopher. Next, he tries the garden hose; the gophers stop the flow until there's a huge blast of water, which they direct back at the homeowner. He hits the ground and starts burrowing himself, surfacing in his fountain.