A look at the LGBT history of Valencia (Spain) from the 1970s to the early 2000s, a crucial era where a explosion of desire for freedom and the exploration of sexuality marked the beginning of the egalitarian struggle for queer rights. The film showcases testimonies that marked a before and after in the Valencian struggle, and unites activists, historical figures, drag queens, businesspeople and historians to shape a unique yet still unknown history, as well as countless of unpublished archival footage that will get us into a city that proved to be open and plural — The first demonstrations, homophobic assaults, the Brigada 26, the origins of Moviment d'Alliberament Gai del Pais Valencià and Lambda, nightlife venues and cabarets, the trans struggle, the HIV/AIDS outbreak, the first gay bookstore in the city, the first regional lesbian collective; these are some of the topics that tell a universal struggle: to be able to be free and love whoever you want without fear.
An Original Documentary that takes you in and under the Oldest City in America, St. Augustine, Florida with a Team of Residents, Ghost Hunters and Historians. Investigations include the Oldest Lighthouse in America, a Curiosity Shop on the oldest Street in the USA, more.
A journey through Greece and Europe’s past and recent history: from the Second World War to the current crisis. It is a historical documentary, a look into many stories.
«If Democracy can be destroyed in Greece, it can be destroyed throughout Europe»
Paul Craig Roberts
Putting the Orient Express – also called „the train of trains“ – on its tracks called for considerable stamina. Several times, the ambitious project of Georges Nagelmackers was on the brink of failure as the Belgian entrepreneur was facing the bankruptcy of his sleeping car company.
In May 1974, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing became the third President of the Fifth Republic. An alternation of power that did not speak its name opened the doors of power to a reforming president. Abortion, divorce by mutual consent, lowering the age of majority to 18 - in less than two years, the youngest President of the Republic - at the time - carried out reforms with a vengeance, without a united majority in Parliament, before failing in the economic sphere and losing the battle against unemployment. At the age of 90, the former President of the Republic has agreed to look back on these years and gives us a valuable account of his time in power.
Nuremberg is where Nazi congresses were held. In the city where Hitler gathered huge crowds of fanatics, the court hosted in 1945 the greatest trial in History. The Allied victors judged those responsible for the Third Reich. Among the defendants are the Führer's closest surviving accomplices. But not only them: defendant number 27 is not even a man. It is an entire organization: the SS were a state within the state – which ruled all the police – with its own army, within the Nazi regime.
From the plains of the Troade, to the cellars of a Nazi bunker, to the dark basements of Moscow's largest museum. With Homer and in the footsteps of the extremely wealthy businessman Heinrich Schliemann, we follow the true odyssey of the treasure of Priam which spans over more than 3 millennia.
Leonardo da Vinci was a Renaissance genius. Not only did he paint masterpieces of art, but he was an obsessive scientist and inventor, dreaming up complex machines centuries ahead of his time, including parachutes, armored tanks, hang gliders and robots. On the 500th anniversary of Leonardo’s death, with the help of biographer Walter Isaacson, NOVA investigates the secrets of Leonardo’s success. How did his scientific curiosity, from dissections of cadavers to studies of optics, shape his genius and help him create perhaps the most famous painting of all time, the "Mona Lisa"?
An ideological and physical barrier fell on 9 November 1989 in Berlin. For 28 years, this 155 km wall divided Germany in two, separating friends and family. The recent discovery of some documents reveals the stories of those who managed to escape to join their loved ones, or simply to regain their freedom. Demonstrating imagination and courage, some dug tunnels to get under the Berlin Wall, others inflated balloons to fly over it, while others disguised themselves with fake uniforms. By combining archives, reconstitution sequences and intrigue scenes, this documentary plunges us into a Berlin that has now disappeared, through the prism of the art of escape under the GDR.
What is the common thread among the only four U.S. Presidents who have been assassinated - Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy? They were also the only four presidents to ever to take away money-issuing control from the private banks and turn it over to the U.S. Treasury. Within less than a year of each president doing so, they were murdered. And within months of their vice president successors assuming their offices, they returned the money issuing power back to the private banks. 4 PRESIDENTS provides the first-ever in depth analysis of this very likely - and very frightening - historic conspiracy.
Vietnam 1967: Military intelligence has collapsed, Viet Cong have infiltrated the clandestine American spy network, and the U.S. can't rely on the South Vietnamese. John Murphy, then an elite adviser, analyst, and operative for the Army, CIA, and South Vietnamese intelligence services, reveals the gray areas of critical, on-the-ground intelligence work, where trust is hard-won and easily lost.
A film about the feat of 17 soldiers of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (now the National Guard), who died on April 7, 1995 on the Tajik-Afghan border while protecting the external borders of the CIS.
In 1921, Charles, a young Luxembourgish cartographer is sent to Albania as part of a border commission to gather information on the topography and the people of the region. The country has recently become independent, but it does not yet have clearly defined borders. Back in Paris, Charles gets to report to the Conference of Ambassadors. At first, he is overwhelmed by the impressive architecture and the intimidating grandeur of the event. However, he soon learns that the party of self-serving diplomats has little interest in the future of the people he has just met. With no representative of Albania even present, Charles feels the need to speak up for the young country. Despite breaking protocol in doing so, Charles shares an observation with the quarrelling diplomats that allows them to find a peaceful solution to the question of where to draw the urgently needed borders.
Located nearly 80 kilometres north of Berlin, Germany, the former municipality of Ravensbrück was home to a prison between 1939 and 1945 that became a concentration camp designed specifically for women. It was built by order of Heinreich Himmler, a high dignitary of the Third Reich and head of the SS. Of the more than 130,000 people who were deported there, almost 90,000 never returned. Based on witnesses, international experts and computer-generated images, the document reveals the atrocities committed in Ravensbrück.
Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, was a 15th-century teacher, poet, and activist whose universal message of justice and equality for all, women’s empowerment, service to others, and devotion to nature and the environment was ahead of his time. However, his story is virtually unknown to much of the Western world. Filmed on location in India, Pakistan, and throughout the U.S., this documentary interweaves the story of Guru Nanak’s life with a look at how his spiritual legacy continues to influence prominent American Sikh men and women, including Mayor Ravi Bhalla of Hoboken, N.J., Grammy Award nominee Snatam Kaur, and others.