An untidy room. Empty beer tins, empty wine bottles, a half-empty glass of whisky... A girl is getting up absent-mindedly and starts preparing herself. YOUR morning starts. Lazy and hard-to-wake-up YOU. The emoticon is ME watching over YOU. I play tricks on YOU, while YOU are playing the guitar and drinking. One day, in town, YOU walk past THE CHILDHOOD FRIEND who is buying an Anemone I liked, and remembering that I liked them, YOU rush out to buy them. THE CHILDHOOD FRIEND displays the Anemone with care. One day, years after I died, YOU hear noise from the closet. Opened, YOU see MY garden right in front of YOU. Overflowing emotions of ME and YOU. When exiting from the room with memories, a picture of the Anemone that YOU painted is displayed in YOUR new room.
A shy 17-year-old girl playing classical piano discovers soul music through a strange friendship with an old rocker in a summer that will change her life.
A man who names the simplest things with charmingly terms that most of his fellow countrymen do not understand suffers a serious indigestion, his troublesome visit to the doctor gives rise to this story told by the Cubillán neighbors, who did not miss any of the city's ins and outs.
A deep dive into the history of Sylosis’ early years - featuring previously unseen live show footage and interviews with former member, the documentary charts the band’s early influences prior to their maiden EP & albums.