In the future, a team of astronauts are sent on a ten year journey to a distant planet to find new life. On their way, they encounter a large, abandoned spaceship that is drifting in the orbit of a mysterious planet. They board the ship with anticipation of the great discoveries to uncover inside. However, they do not know what terrible secret this spacecraft keeps -- a nightmarish threat which is far bigger and scarier than anything they could have imagined.
A boy, having lost his glasses, can only see one thing in focus at a time. His sight gets attracted by the sounds that surround him. He will have to explore a blurry world of unknown places and strange characters.
A magical adventure inspired by the Chronicles of Narnia, Walt Disney animated musicals and the parables by Jesus Christ "Strawinsky and the mysterious house" tells the story of four talking animals that discover a hidden mansion in the middle of a secret forest. They start exploring the house and encounter strange inhabitants such as a depressed cello, a manic troll and an overweight creature that is addicted to the books in its basement. As Strawinsky - the hero of the story - tries to solve the mysteries surrounding the house, his friends get trapped in the underground library. It's up to Strawinsky to find a way to break the dark spell and help his friends to escape from the evil lurking within the mysterious house.
Evildoers, and everyone else, beware! Mermaidman and Barnacleboy have opened their locker of memories for SpongeBob and Patrick (MISTAKE!), the Dirty Bubble, Man Ray, The Atomic Flounder and The Sinister Slug have gathered in Bikini Bottom, Mrs. Puff's working the summer at the Krusty Krab, SpongeBob's attempting to go a full day without crying, Gary's new play pal Puffy Fluffy is a real terror, Squidward cleans up Bikini Bottom with "help" from SpongeBob, SpongeBob and Patrick try to share a toy, SpongeBob nearly ruins Mr. Krabs' tightwad reputation at the Cheapest Crab Convention, and oceans more!
When father decides Richard is old enough to leave his parental home, he sends him out into the world. Only Richard keeps returning home: everytime in a more bizarre way. Somehow he seems attached to the house. When an unfortunate alteration in life takes place, Richard is forced to stand on his own feet.
Legendary fighter Ryu begins his journey around the world, Cammy's quest to discover her past takes a number of turns, and Chun-Li's investigation into Shadaloo takes her from the Hong Kong underworld to the jungles of Brazil.
The year’s end celebrations are coming. Christmas : the tree, the dinner, the presents. Indian and Cowboy are expecting their presents eagerly. Overexcited by the organisation of the celebration, they fight and destroy the Yule log on which Horse was putting the last touch. Horse is livid and cancels the gifts from Santa Claus. How will they win back the favours of Horse and The Old Bearded Man? How will they retrieve their gifts ? For Indian and Cowboy begins a long, very long Christmas Eve.
Through the eyes of a young girl suffering from mental illness, 'Caldera' glimpses into a world of psychosis and explores a world of ambiguous reality and the nature of life and death.
In this fun family comedy, a village rooster's punctual (and loud!) crowing keeps everyone awake until a group of sleepy locals hatch a scheme to get rid of him.
Journey to the future of Rani and Keren, a young couple moving in together for the first time. Without control they are drawn to the race of marriage, children and work, while desperately trying to keep up with the race and stay together.
Francis is a short story written by american novelist Dave Eggers. This is the story of a young boy growing up in the suburbs of chicago. He spent his vacations in Quetico Provincial Park, up on the border of Minnesota and Canada. But he won't be going back any day soon, not after what happened to a girl called Francis Brandywine.