In the countryside in Brazil, a group of boys hangs out around a gas station with its manager, Élcio. The men drink beer, do lots of macho stuff, play soccer. In the midst of this, there is an exchange of looks that demonstrates repressed desires, the need to sublimate oneself to be in tune with the rest of the world.
Joshua Kennedy IS Sherlock Holmes in this tribute to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's legendary sleuth! The Return of Sherlock Holmes adapts "The Empty House" and "The Six Napoleons," two of Doyle's most famous stories.
Two high school friends, Caleb and Macon, are reunited after many years. During the tense reunion, Macon fights his tortured mind, wrestling with a dark secret that is the source of Caleb's greatest pain.
The criminal library, dubbed the “Red Museum”, is a police facility that stores the investigation materials and evidence of major crimes where the statute of limitations has run out. Its director Saeko Hiiro is impassive and not good at communicating with people. One day, Satoshi Terada of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department’s First Investigative Division is assigned to be Saeko’s subordinate. Although he is bewildered by Saeko’s dispassionate demeanor, Terada starts to organize the data which is the primary responsibility of the museum. He encounters a traffic accident on the way to collect evidence. A truck has hit someone. When Terada rushes over, the victim utters the mysterious words “25 years ago... murder swap” and breathes his last. Once Saeko hears this, she declares a reinvestigation.
The clandestine world of crop circles is threatened when an ambitious TV journalist plans to expose the truth drawing her into the enigma of lights, Celtic mythology and UFOs to discover both the beauty and danger in the mystery she seeks.
Christine Summers has been working in an NGO in Nepal for the past four years. Her boss assigns her to do a last mission in Ruku to collect information of the life outside of the cities, before she leaves for the United States. Leaving for the mission with her crew and her guide; they take shelter in a small village called Zhigrana; an area known for a killer on the loose who sacrifices humans in the name of Kaal Panchami, a mythical ghost. When they start to turn against each other regarding a death of a friend and with no one to trust: it is now up to Christine to figure out who the killer is. Is it the ghost of Kaal Panchami or is the truth even stranger than that?
A disillusioned demon hunter considers leaving the field, but on the insistence of his more eager partner, agrees to take on one more case that could change his life forever.
On a remote island off the coast of Maine, Liv, after years of silence, begins to weave a language out of Shakespeare's words. A driven neurologist, brought to the island to protect her, commits her to a psychiatric hospital. She becomes a full-blow rebel in the hospital; her increasing violence threatens to keep her locked up for life as she fights for her voice and her freedom.
Elsa falls in love with a quadriplegic genius, her patient Nicola, whose mansion hides a secret – Nicola is obsessed with the creation of an artificial intellect. His creation, named Anna, stops at nothing to keep her master just for herself.
In 2014, a skeleton was found on the Valdellomar ski slopes, in the Pyrenees. Through its DNA, we discovered that it was that of an English aristocrat and we solved a scientific mystery that had shrouded a whole region in 1930.
Based on the early events of psychic Lazaro Ruben Torres, clinically declared dead on five separate occasions. Lazaro, a neighborhood medium, inherits psychic abilities after a tragedy visits him and his daughter, leaving her dead. Trying to reconnect with his daughter, Lazaro is determined to deepen his gift, in the process discovering the man who killed her.
After an accident, Daming can't remember what happened last night. Back home, he discovers in his closet the dead body of Gao Yan. Who killed this man hated by so many people included Daming himself?