The struggles of the street and garbage dump children of Cambodia are examined through the personal stories of five children and their journey toward education.
MOTO The Movie was the first film of its kind to truly showcase the complete spectrum of dirt bike riding and racing. After an extraordinary response from off-‐road motorcycle enthusiasts worldwide, we had no other choice but to one-‐up ourselves as we traveled the globe to work with the best riders in the business in the most exotic locations possible.
Eight-Time Super Bowl champion, Bill Belichick, takes the 'Madden Cruiser' on an unforgettable road trip through Louisiana's football country, celebrating it's rich history and culture.
This Emmy winning documentary tells the story of Montauk Point Lighthouse the first lighthouse in New York and the first sight of a new world, shining on thousands of immigrants coming to America. Reoccurring accounts of courage and compassion by Keepers and local residents, over the 200 year history of the lighthouse, illustrate how this edifice has bound the souls of humanity through time.
This extraterrestrial documentary explores the alien phenomena. UFOs. Who is flying them? Where they coming from? And more importantly, WHY ARE THEY HERE?
Documentary examination of the battle for Tobruk in the Second World War. British empire troops assault the German Afrika Korps in North Africa in order to win control over the seaport city of Tobruk in Libya. Field Marshall Montgomery is seen leading his troops in a massive infantry and tank battle.
Jim Charlesworth, director of Princeton University's Dead Sea Scrolls Project believes that a large number of scrolls have yet to come to light. The programme is about his quest to track them down, an undertaking not without risks. The cliffs of Qumran still attract scroll hunters with non-academic motives - the scrolls are much sought after by private collectors and the shady figures of the black market who supply them.
Nevada and New Mexico always get the attention when it comes to UFO sightings and crashes but, A neighboring state has incidents that are hardly discussed. We will take an in depth look into the top 5 UFO cases that have taken place in the state of Arizona.
A group of beings existed before mankind, hidden from modern society. Thorough investigations of art and ancient text reveal interactions between humans and a higher source of intelligence.
Declassified documents from the Cold War shine light into the hidden communications between the US and the Soviet Union during the heavy tensions. New evidence points to the possibility that the space race may have been the ultimate coverup for exchanging intel on UFO's , the occupants and their origins.
Popular paranormal investigators, Beckie-Ann Galentine and Josh Rawson, explore the historically haunted Grand Midway Hotel and are shaken to their cores by what they encounter.
The crash of Roswell wasn't meant for New Mexico. In 1947, a neighboring state had 3 major sightings that were swept under the rug. With The Phoenix Light's and Travis Walton's "Fire in the Sky", there's a rich history of UFO involvement in Arizona. This film focuses on fresh UFO content from present day, containing interviews from residents and law enforcement officers statewide.
A Certain Woman features Shirael Pollack - Immigrant, Wife, Mother, Advocate and Entrepreneur-in an intimate and luminous examination of a 21st Century Woman.
Imagine a disease so rare there's no cure. Austin Crawford was diagnosed with MSA or Multiple System Atrophy. As his health fades we find Austin building a hot rod from his wheelchair and sharing his story to his followers on Tiktok.
According to the Bible, The Ark of the Covenant was a box that housed the two tablets of stone inscribed with the Ten Commandments. Over the centuries it has remained an object of great mystery, inspiring infinite questions. But can modern science shed new light on what the Ark really was?