At the end of World War II Lena Kuchler arrives at a refuge camp in search of her disappeared family members. But at this place she can get no information in her case but only encounters hungry children.
The laughs are nonstop as a gang of ambitious young comics strives to make it in the exciting world of stand-up comedy at the famous comedy club in L.A., The Funny Farm. These budding comedy stars are as crazy offstage as they are on: Miguel, America s funniest illegal alien ; Miles, who can t decide if he s a black comic or a comic who happens to be black; Bruce, whose manic act borders on insanity; and Peter, the intense political satirist. The Funny Farm is a hilarious and insightful look into those who live the lives of comedians.
Grace, a priest, tracks her missing daughter to a religious community where the strange father Angel is keeping a wooden Jesus figure that sheds actual blood. When the cross is stolen, Grace decides to help out to get her daughter back.
A successful career woman is raped by a prominent lawyer. However, when she takes the case to court, it results in a hung jury. When the DA's office declines to retry the case, the lawyer opts to sue the woman for malicious prosecution and slander leaving her feeling raped again.
Candles in the Dark is the story of a girl who comes to visit her father's homeland, the Soviet Republic of Estonia. After she arrives, she finds that her father is part of the dissident anti-soviet underground. She soon find her self engulfed in the struggle with her father and a lot of new friends, and finds herself being hunted by the KGB.
A murderous black comedy set in the 1960s. Sam (McCauley) and his small band of hard-drinking and eccentric friends are having a night of it when a drunk truck driver, Jack (Bach), attacks Sam's Maori wife Sue (O'Brien). In the struggle, Sam and friends end up killing Jack. None of them regrets this, but it has been observed by Miriam (Gruar) who decides to blackmail Sam. Jack's brother Joe (Napier) comes looking for revenge and ends up being killed by Basil (Spence). Their jobs at the freezer works are terminated, and Basil has his own idea about how to get out of their troubles.
In eleventh century Scotland, three witches foretell that Macbeth will become King, while Banquo will beget Kings. Macbeth accordingly has King Duncan slain, and is duly crowned in his place. But that's where his problems really begin...
A boy and his dad take a trip to Peru, but when they are accidentally separated he is given a mysterious mask that makes him a target for ruthless tomb raiders.
The true story of the disappearance of Sarah Porter. With no help from the police, Sarah's parents are forced to act on their own to find her. They must battle the bureaucracy of the police department while they are searching all over town for clues to Sarah's whereabouts. When the crucial clue is discovered, Shara's father confronts her kidnapper at gunpoint.
For more than a year in the early 1980s, police at Scotland Yard watched the build-up of a potentially massive threat to the stability of British society – a flood of the most perfect counterfeit currency ever produced. Unchecked, the tide of fake money could have destabilized the economy, the Bank of England and even the Government.
When serial cheater Eric is ready to settle down, he is served a vengeful dose of his own medicine, from his fiancée Alisha, and a second dose from the husband of his long-term mistress, that may ruin his life forever.
Powerful lawyer, Rainey Storms, inherits her family's law firm. When a senseless tragedy occurs, Rainey's faith in God is challenged, until she falls madly in love. Her dream man turns out be an imposter, and the stuff of nightmares.
Steve Collura is an undercover cop out to infiltrate Carlo Gambino's mob. He soon falls in love with Gambino's daughter Maria and must make a choice between his duties as a police officer, his love for Maria, and his allegiance to Carlo Gambino.
Summer Solstice is a collection of love stories about, and for, people of all different ages and generations. Each character's tale connects, weaving in and out of the others, mirroring and countering them so that, as the long hot summer draws to its close, each is forced to examine their lives and decide to whom their loyalties lie or else risk loosing everything they hold so dear.