This picture was taken at one of the curves on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, along the beautiful Susquehanna River. The train is seen rapidly approaching in the distance, clearly outlined against the grey mountains. Smoke can be seen pouring in volumes from the stack of the locomotive, and as the train approaches closely, she sounds a whistle, warning some section men, who are working on the tracks in the foreground. As she rushes by the camera, the swing motion of the train gives a vivid idea of the lightning speed at which she is traveling. (Edison film catalog)
"Paris, Paris, you know, I would eat it..." wrote André Sauvage. An artist close to the avant-gardes, André Sauvage composed the first great filmed portrait of Paris. Its ambitious symphony of a big city marries, on the music composed by Jeff Mills, the changing rhythm of the Belle Époque. Contemporary of the dizzying explorations of Dziga Vertov and Walter Ruttmann, Sauvage is less fascinated by speed than by the repertoire of urban mobility, attentive to the neighborhoods he crosses, always curious about their furtive inhabitants. He draws a portrait of Paris in five studies: Paris-Port, North-South, the islands of Paris, the Little Belt and from the Saint-Jacques tower to the Sainte-Geneviève mountain.
Before Brian De Palma became a narrative film maker he made documentaries. Among them is The Responsive Eye, which chronicles the Museum of Modern Art’s 1965 exhibition of op-art. Curated by William Seitz, this was the first significant exhibit of optical art synchronous with and in some cases arising out of the early days of psychedelic culture. It’s amusing to watch the stuffed shirts within the art world attempt to describe what they are looking at in conventional terms or resorting to psychological mumbo jumbo without ever mentioning mescaline or LSD.
A 1934 GB production that was picked up in 1937 by Educational for 20th Century Fox distribution about the gannet, a beautiful white and exceedingly graceful bird deemed the best fisherman in the world, that inhabits a small rocky island off the coast of Wales. The film won the 1938 Academy Award for Best Short Subject (One-Reel).
Debord’s eighteen-minute Critique of Separation directs its experimental attentions to “the documentary.” Debord draws from a catalogue of newsreel footage and book covers, rephotographed photographs, views of Paris and its neighborhoods, and a catalogue of disabused, seemingly offhand footage of him and his friends in the porous zone comprising the cafe and the street.
Join the majestic Olympic elk as they traverse the alpine path from their winter home in the lowland shadow of Washington's Mount Olympus, to the fertile grazing grounds of its towering peaks.
This intimate look into the real world of drag kings -- women exploring their masculinity -- crosses continents, traveling through drag king nightclubs from New York to London.
Swing High is a 1932 American Pre-Code short documentary film directed by Jack Cummings. In 1932, it was nominated for an Academy Award at the 5th Academy Awards for Best Short Subject (Novelty). The film documents The Flying Codonas, a family of flying trapeze artists.
Carapiru is a member of one of Brazil's remaining indigenous peoples, living in harmony with nature and making wise use of the local flora and fauna. But Carapiru is suddenly forced to fend for himself and flees into the nearby rain forest, building a new life for himself with the help some sympathetic settlers. However, after rebuilding his life Carapiru is uprooted once again, this time by government agents. A expressive visual storytelling in this study of the native peoples of Brazil in the 21st century.