A classic Movietone cinema short from 1978. The Romney Hythe and Dymchurch Railway is a one-third scale mainline in miniature operating regular services over 13.5 miles of track across the Romney Marsh in Kent.
The Deepwater Horizon was known as one of the safest drilling rigs but events involving an exploration well 5,600 metres underwater led to an explosion.
Israel is conflicted, divided, and torn. The future is clouded. Fifth election in 3 years. A worried director tries to find out if his country will be destroyed.
On December 7, 1988, a catastrophic earthquake occurred in Armenia that claimed more than 25 thousand lives. The film tells about the first days after the tragedy.
An exploration of the ghostly tales and history of the Battle of Gettysburg with the acclaimed author of the Ghosts of Gettysburg, series of books, Mark Nesbitt.
Fighter pilot Ben Rubin seeks help from the psychiatrist Dr. Sokol to overcome his fear of crossing the bridges. All has started when he met his wife Ania from Belgrade and soon went bombing her country...
The Martial Arts as you have never seen them before. Masters from 20 different disciplines show you what they know, teaching you how their moves work and why. Tai Chi , Kenpo, Groundfighting, Judo, Shotokan, Karate, Ju jitsu, Kickboxing, Jun bao, Wing Chun, Kung Fu, and much more explained.
Sniping proved an important factor in the static trench warfare of World War One. But after the war armies let the skill languish has mechanized combat units came into their own. World War Two thrust snipers back into prominence as the Russian, German, British, American and Japansese armies trained new sniper forces in diverse ways to address their own specific battlefield requirements. Snipers effectively sewed fear and confusion among enemy forces but also suspicion in friendly forces since they worked alone outside the normal operation of infantry units.
From the craggy, surf-beaten coastline to the majestic forests of the north, this stunningly beautiful documentary presents every corner of the state of Maine as seen from the sky.
It reveals the healing ritual called the N'Deup Healing Ceremony. Every gesture has a meaning: the dances, the millet, the beat of the drums together with the litanies pronounced by the priestess.
Lisa Herdahl, a Mississippi mother of six, is forced to sue her public school district in order to have The Bible removed from her childrens' classrooms.
African-American residents in Norco, Louisiana, who believe that increasing pollution is negatively impacting their health, demand to be relocated from under the shadow of a Shell oil refinery.