Meat the Future ushers the viewer into a world vexed by the impacts of modern day industrial animal agriculture and zeros in on a solution-focused story. Revealing challenges and breakthroughs and posing a myriad of questions about the future, this 90-minute character-driven documentary explores the advent of real meat without the need to raise and slaughter animals. Spanning three years, Meat the Future chronicles the potentially game-changing birth of a new food industry referred to as “cell-based” “clean” and “cultured” meat – a term hotly debated as the industry approaches commercialization
'Raised By Wolves' peers into online youth culture in Appalachia, revealing the risks of radicalization through exposure to weaponized misinformation and far right extremism in social media and online gaming spaces, while documenting the escalation of violence in America as it unfolds in real time - and close to home. A series of personal stories of affected community members unfolds against the backdrop of an opioid traumatized, post-industrial landscape, as experts unpack the systemic nature of a problem rooted in our times, our tech and our history.
Palestinian filmmaker Mohamed Jabalay is on a month long work trip to Norway when the Egypt/Gaza border closes and he is unable to return home. He details his seven year fight to get back to his family, during which time he made his award-winning film, Ambulance.
For years, scholars have debated whether the miraculous events proclaiming the birth and death of Jesus actually happened. Now, history, science and technology reveal an astounding amount of evidence in this events in history.
In 2009, Sean Baker sat down with the Godfather of Gore himself, Herschell Gordon Lewis, to discuss his legendary career as an exploitation pioneer and creator of the splatter movie. In 2019, the footage formed the basis for this documentary produced by the Criterion Channel.
While investigating the suicide of Las Vegas Teenager Levi Presley, a filmmaker uncovers a story of a city with the highest suicide rate in the country, and a nation scrambling to bury decades of nuclear excess in a nearby mountain.
In an intimate and unflinching account dealing with grief, 'Alice is Still Dead' tells the story of a murdered loved one from the victim's family perspective. From the detective's notification to her family to facing the killer in court, we see the pain, anger and heartbreak a family must endure while the nightmare is investigated. The filmmaker is the brother of the late Alice Stevens and, in this tribute, ultimately asks if it's even possible to move forward after such a traumatic event.
InstaBAND is a documentary film about today's music artist and their hustle to try and achieve music stardom in a streaming world that no longer buys music.
Kale Brock visits communities with improved life expectancies, low rates of disease and an extremely high quality of life well into the later years, for a deep dive into longevity culture and what it really takes to get well and stay well.
Fish & Men exposes the high cost of cheap fish in the modern seafood economy and the forces threatening local fishing communities and public health by revealing how our choices as consumers drive the global seafood trade. But, a new movement is underway – an opportunity to return sustainability to both fish and fishermen. Thriving on local communities, pioneering fishermen and celebrated chefs are leading a revolutionary new model, a ‘Catch of the Day’ revival based on local, seasonal, sustainable fish and reconnect us with those who risk their lives to harvest the bounties of the sea. Featuring the owners of Mac’s Seafood on Cape Cod and the Gloucester, Massachusetts fishing community.
A collaboration between acclaimed Canadian documentary filmmakers Nik Sheehan (FLicKeR, No Sad Songs) and Albert Nerenberg (You are What you Act, Laughology), Who Farted? is the world’s first climate change documentary comedy — and hopefully not its last. Who Farted? suggests that understanding our place in nature is essential to our continued existence as a species. If we can’t deal with our own flatulence, how can we hope to comprehend the looming climate catastrophe? Are farts malevolent? Disgusting? Beneficial? Hilarious? What exactly is a fart? And how much does animal flatulence truly contribute to runaway climate change? From antiquity’s first fart joke to the ubiquitous whoopee cushion, the act of flatus both amuses and dismays... and now may contribute to civilization’s demise. Who Farted? is a frightening, illuminating, and funny journey through the absurd reality of 21st Century human survival.
After a friend's unexpected suicide, two St. Louis college students formed a non-profit and began a nationwide journey to explore the cultural and institutional circumstances that failed their friend and 40,000+ other people each year.
Executive produced by Rosario Dawson, LA WOMAN RISING presents 50 Los Angeles women revealing their truth, what motivates them to wake up each morning. Director Nana Ghana gracefully captures the morning rituals and untold stories of uncertainty, struggle and success. Considered a love letter to the real and diverse women of Los Angeles, Ghana's documentary is a distinct celebration of the female voice.
There are 640 million acres of public land in the United States. But there are powerful forces, both in government and in corporate America, eager to plunder this bounty. David Garrett Byars’s eye-opening documentary travels to Alaska, into the red rock canyons of southern Utah, and to Minnesota’s Boundary Waters, and exposes a land war going on under our very noses.
SENIORS is a feature-length documentary full of love, hope, and second chances. It focuses on three interwoven stories about senior dogs. There’s Chaser, the smartest dog in the world. Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary, a retirement home for dogs in Tennessee. And famed photographer, Jane Sobel Klonsky, who has devoted much of her talents towards capturing the bond between elderly dogs and their owners. Unlike most animal documentaries, our goal is to highlight the positive. No abuse will be shown in SENIORS. This film will celebrate senior dogs and many of the seniors who love them. It will show how vibrant they are, and how much they can offer to the world. This will be the animal welfare film everyone can watch, leaving viewers grinning from ear-to-ear, and showing how old dogs really can teach us new tricks.
Get ready for Slime Time… it’s about to get messy!!! The slime craze has taken over the world. Thanks to the internet, people all over are able to share their love for this crazy new sensation and push their creativity to its limits. This gorgeous gooey substance has become a hobby and an obsession for many. A combination of science, art and fun– slime is a putty-like sticky substance that is made by mixing together unsuspecting household ingredients and causing a chemical reaction. We share over an hour of the best slime tips, tricks and recipes. Staring internet sensation Talisa Tossell, and many more content creators our slime experts will teach you everything you need to know about slime- from butter slime to mermaid slime the possibilities are endless. Join in on the fun, grab your ingredients and let’s get started!