In 1999 Aaron Baker broke his neck in a motocross accident, leaving him completely paralyzed from the neck down. Despite doctor's grim prognosis over the next 16 years Aaron decided not to listen to those who said 'he had a million-to-one odds of ever feeding himself again' and instead, through painstaking effort, endeavored to regain as much mobility as possible. This journey through the unknown took him from the depths of depression to the joys of cross country road tripping via tandem bicycle with his mother and friends, and finally, culminated in his opening a socially conscious low cost gym focused on increasing mobility for the disabled. Now in Coming To My Senses we watch as Aaron takes one final journey which symbolizes his recovery: to cross a 20 mile tract of Death Valley unsupported on foot. But will he make it?
Born in 1503, the mysterious medieval visionary, Michel de Nostredame (a.k.a. "Nostradamus") predicted the rise of Hitler, the nuclear destruction of Hiroshima, and the 9/11 attacks. Now his quatrains are predicting our immediate future and it would seem the end times are truly upon the world. According to the new interpretations, Nostradamus predicted that a mighty Islamic army of terror would rise up and set in motion World War III. China would conquer the entire East and much of the globe, and then a complete collapse of technology would spin the world into chaos like never before as the Antichrist rises in the West. Explore the prophecies and decide for yourself.
The avant-garde has moved online, and they have an agenda. Coming from deep within computer programming culture, Internet trolls are annoyed and using the click-bait obsessed mass media to propel their movement into the mainstream. Influencing presidential elections, manipulating journalists, inventing meme culture, trolls are either our saviors or driving our culture off of a cliff. Prosecuted as a whistle-blower by the Federal Government, Trolls Inc. follows the world's most famous Internet troll, Andrew Auernheimer, and his legion of cultural saboteurs as they take on corporate America, the media, and political-correctness.
THE FOOD CURE presents an intimate portrait of six cancer patients who make the radical decision to turn their backs on conventional medicine and put their faith in a controversial alternative cancer treatment based on food.
Girl on Wave introduces professional windsurfer Sarah Hauser and documents her journey as a New-Caledonian athlete competing on the American stage of windsurfing.
Gabe Weil is a 27 year old born with the most severe form of muscular dystrophy. For his entire life, Gabe had been told he would be lucky to live past 25. But recently, he learned he was misdiagnosed, and may live well into his 50's.
This documentary film attempts to analyze the dynamics of a massive fan-base; it focuses on the Beliebers (fans of Justin Bieber). The Beliebers are one of the largest fan-bases on the planet, they dominate social media and it seems that almost everyone has an opinion about them. Beliebers feel that they are generalized about and attempt to help non-Beliebers understand them through this film. From the charity work they do to the bullying they receive, the film attempts to uncover all of it by talking to Beliebers and non-Beliebers from around the world and sharing their experiences. Although the film will appeal to Beliebers, it is also targeted at those attempting to understand such phenomena and promotes communication and understanding from an unbiased position in general.
A deafblind Danish woman travels to Nepal to meet a woman with the same condition in the hopes of communicating and engaging in a cultural exchange. A Woman Like Me is a remarkable demonstration of the delicacy and complexity of human communication, and how susceptible it is to privilege, preconceptions and misunderstandings.
In the middle of nowhere lived an unexpected piece of skateboarding and punk music history. "The Crest"..a skateboarding mecca of the 80's, a veritable metal monolith, tucked away on a country club in the suburbs of the nation's Capital. It was a place of pure unadulterated expressionist freedom where cutting edge skateboarding and punk rock music collided and made history. Professional skaters and legendary bands, 11 gauge steel and, of course, blood. "Blood and Steel: Cedar Crest Country Club" is the story of a one of a kind skateboarding playground that attracted skaters and bands from all over to come experience what became known simply as, "The Crest".
In 1978, several NFL cheerleaders posed in Playboy magazine, having received approval from team management. But when the issue hit newsstands, it unleashed a wave of repercussions for the women themselves—and their team.
Flin Flon is located nearly 1000 kilometers north of the US border in Northern Manitoba. The small, Canadian mining community is also the only city in the world to be named after a science fiction character: Josiah Flintabbatey Flonatin from 'The Sunless City.' 'Flin Flon: A Hockey Town' explores the town's eccentric obsession with its legendary junior hockey team, The Flin Flon Bombers and how the team and the community support one another.
Two decades after the album’s critically acclaimed release, hip-hop artist Nas teamed up with the National Symphony Orchestra at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., to stage a symphonic rendition of “Illmatic,” one of the most revered albums in hip-hop history. Nas: Live From the Kennedy Center captures the energy and nostalgia of this collaborative performance.
This hybrid performance/documentary film explores how the artist’s complex family history, in particular her relationship with her mother, compelled her to create the masked, erotic performance character Narcissister.
Another super polished, overly produced debacle. Delivering the gnarliest skateboarding from this year’s new breed of rippers: Jamie Foy, Chase Webb, Carlos Iqui, Michael Pulizzi and Cody Lockwood. “If anyone knows where the end of the Earth is, can they take us there?”
Actor Corey Feldman, a Hollywood fixture for more than three decades and a self-described survivor, sits down for a revelatory no-holds-barred interview.