Live, interactive programmes devised by BBC Learning to support teachers and bring curriculum content to life, directly to your classroom. With access to leading experts and some of the BBC's biggest brands and talent, Live Lessons are a shared learning experience for schools all over the UK.
An exciting story of magical Aeko and Friends protecting Number Land.
come all the number friends~! To Number Land full of number shaped characters and rides!
Aeko and Friends enjoy their fun days at exciting Number Land. Meanwhile, the number devil Magumau uses Zero Mice to take over Number Land and causes all kinds of trouble.
Will Aeko and Friends be able to save their number friends from Magumau's tricks?
The Dutch female ecologist and herpetologist Sterrin Smalbrugge teaches children everything they need to know about reptiles. What types of reptiles are there, what do they eat and where are the animals found? The program challenges children to explore nature for themselves, where there is so much to discover.