Luka Bulić together with kids discovers, through play and fun, just how interesting and entertaining is the world around us. While taking the show, Luka is composing a song with the theme of the show, like: domestic animals, friendship, universe, design, senses, Earth, water, flowers, souvenirs, weather, seas, love...
Set in the fictional Bollygum National Park, the series follows Blinky Bill, Mrs Magpie, Angelina Wallaby and Walter Wombat from the original _Blinky Bill_ books by Dorothy Wall, and adds new characters such as Charlie Goanna, Eric Echidna, Sybilla Snake and Kerry Koala from the neighbouring fictional Acadia Ridge park.
There are 8.7 millions of animal species in the world. Cubs, through animation, tells the bedtime habits of some of the most loved and mysterious beings, letting children know that it's time to go to bed.