In "Walks To Forgive," host Erin R. Dooley takes people on long walks to discuss forgiveness in their lives. Episodes include forgiving: abuse by a father, losing children in a custody battle, and a homeland that made it impossible to thrive.
Join Anna and Tyler, your teenage hosts, as they take kids on a prehistoric journey to learn everything they ever wanted to know about dinosaurs. Dinosaurs were, by far, the most diverse and amazing animals that ever walked the Earth. Some dinosaurs were as big as trees ... Others were smaller than a chicken ... Some had big sharp teeth ... Some had hundreds of tiny flat teeth ... And some had feathers while others had scales. Because of this diversity, dinosaurs were the most successful land-dwelling animals that ever lived. They lived everywhere on the Earth in every type of environment ... They adapted to almost any condition. They were some of the first creatures that lived on Earth.
Adam Nicolson looks at how and why whale populations were so drastically reduced in the 20th century, and attempts to see whaling through the eyes of the time.
Motherboard is a news web series from Vice that looks at everything technology related for the average Vice fan, full of news on sound technology, internet trends, video game design and more. The show looks in depth into each topic by going to specific newsworthy events and interviewing several relevant subjects to add insight for the viewer. The series is notable for following stories that the mainstream tech media does not, forgoing showcasing the newest consumer technology in favor of niche markets and unknown innovators. Several of the episodes follow musicians who are pushing the limits of technology in music to further their craft, including RJD2 and Brian Gibson of Lightning Bolt. The stories span the entire US and beyond to find the most interesting technology related stories and highlight the men and women who are pioneers doing truly unique things with technology.
The destructive capacity of love is all too real in these stories of fatal attractions, relationships that turned so sour it led to murder. Featuring reconstructions and interviews with families of both the victims and the killers.
From the dawn of mankind, they have been here guiding us, monitoring us, perhaps helping us with our advancement, but also manipulating us to some kind of end game. No, we are not alone and never were. From the true stories of credible eyewitnesses, learn fascinating insight into the Alien Presence on Earth and what it may mean for mankind.
Ultimate Goal gives 26 women from around the world the chance to live and train like professional footballers, before a final squad play a match under watchful eye of international scouts and agents.
Every day, across the UK, from Highland mountains to Lakeland fells and the Cornish coast, search and rescue heroes put their lives on the line to keep us safe
Why doesn't education use innovation to grow like a successful business? Follow the late Andrew Coulson, series creator/writer/host and senior fellow of education policy at Cato Institute’s Center for Education Freedom, as he sets out on a worldwide personal quest for an answer to this question.
From the Battle of Britain to the Dresden bombings, some of the most intense combat of World War II occurred in the airspaces over Europe. This multi-volume box set offers a comprehensive account of the aircraft that helped bring the Allies to victory, including the B-17 Flying Fortress, the B-24 Liberator, the P-51 Mustang, and many more.
America's greatest unsolved mysteries are explored through interviews, archival footage and re-creations. Recently unearthed evidence and intriguing, new theories bring each case closer than ever to finally being solved.
WWI: The War To End All Wars is a unique, 10-part, comprehensive look at the war that shaped the 20th Century. Through rare, actual battle footage and rare veteran interviews, The War To End All Wars takes you from the assassination of the Austrian Arch Duke in 1914, to the final desperate battles of 1918. Unique and stunning, you will go-over-the-top on the Western Front and witness the carnage in Russia. You'll take to the skies in the world's first air war and ride with the legendary Lawrence of Arabia.
This is more than a historical or military account of WWI, it is a riveting and personal account of a defining moment in world history. Never before in the history of the world had so many countries fought on so many far-flung battlefields. Never had so many soldiers lost their lives. Never had there been such an unending hell-on-earth. Never has there b such a remarkable look at 'The War to End All Wars'.
We are all interested in beauty and we think we know all about it. But where does it stem from? How and why does it change through time and places? Does a universal beauty really exist? In conclusion: what is the meaning of beauty? This show explores beauty in its many forms, and from many different aspects, from the artistic to the intellectual to the universal.
This trilogy consists of 3 x 30 HD episodes that cover the history of our planet and the most ancient life on it during the Hadean, Archean and Proterozoic eons (from 4.6 billion years ago until 500 million years ago). 1.Hadean Eon: Takes us 4.6 billion years back and tells the story of our planet's formation, appearance of the Moon, atmosphere, and water. 2. Archean Eon: Tells about the earliest life on Earth, its ancient continents, and how bacteria transformed our planet's atmosphere. 3. Proterozoic Eon: Covers catastrophic global glaciations known as the Snowball Earth, the appearance of eukaryotes, as well as first plants and animals. It also tells about mysterious organisms from the Ediacaran period.