Coaches in endurance sport are underrated but an integral part of an athlete's success. What makes them give up their day, weeks and years to help their fighters be the best in the world? What kind of lives do they lead? We spend one day with an endurance sport coach and follow them through their everyday life. You may be surprised at the work and dedication involved to create the best athletes in the world.
An international task force led by the United States explore whether extra-terrestrials have made contact with humans. They use CIA analysis software to sift through evidence from around the world that could provide a definitive answer.
This brand new series features an elite team of experts who help desperate yet colourful pet owners reveal the most embarrassing health or behavioural issues of their furry friends in this warm and witty series. At a very special surgery, pets and their owners arrive to be seen by an elite team of animal experts: two vets and two behaviourists. During the consultations, the experts diagnose the problem and offer practical advice and potential solutions regarding treatment or training needed.Cameras also capture some of the pets and owners at home prior to the consultation, to discover how the problem affects their daily lives. Featuring interviews with our experts and packed with take-home tips, this enlightening and entertaining series delivers a candid view on life as a vet while also showcasing the unique bond between owners and their pets – one that exists no matter how embarrassing the issue may be!
A compelling and controversial look at a problem: how should we deal with crime? Traveling the globe to look at the most fascinating examples of justice on the planet, from the harsh punishments of China to more merciful methods in Finland and Japan. At its root, the choice is always the same: crush criminals or bring them back into the community?
Watch dramatic footage of violent volcano eruptions that caused immense damage, including the Mount Pinatubo eruption in 1991, one of the largest eruptions of the 20th century.
How life went on as war raged around. War has never been limited to the battlefield. It destroys cities and kills loved ones; it casts an almost impenetrable shadow over everything it touches … but life somehow finds a way to shine, even in the toughest of times. Using archive materials and expert interviews across three eye-opening episodes, Living in the Shadow of WW2 explores the ups and downs of everyday life - with a focus on Great Britain - while the greatest war in history raged on.
Viewed from space, our blue planet seems as familiar as a long-time friend – so familiar that we forget how extraordinary it really is. As far as we know, our world is unique in the universe, defined by three elements, Air, Land and Water. Each element has its own special properties and phenomena and is home to myriad lifeforms that have infiltrated every habitat, from the deepest oceans to the tiniest nooks and crannies.
Bees and butterflies play an important role in the pollination of plants and the production of crops for human and animal consumption. The buzzing of the bees and the vibrant colours of butterflies are the staples of the tranquillity and raw beauty of the countryside – a place which beguiles the eyes and calms the soul. But with the hustle and bustle of modern day life, we tend to neglect the microscopic worlds embedded within our own; the symbiotic relationship between their worlds and ours.
With the introduction of forensic science, the battle between the police and the perpetrators of crimes has become ever more tactical. Each side has developed more sophisticated ways of committing, and solving, crimes...
Yasmine Akram visits the playgrounds of the super-rich. She meets Irish ex-pats who have carved successful careers and made fortunes working in these glittering wonderlands.