Host Mark Evans investigates whether the DNA extracted from privately-owned remains of historical figures and celebrities like John Lennon's tooth or Eva Braun's hair can tell us something about these dead famous people.
Investigator Jack Kassewitz applies breakthrough research on interspecies communication to paranormal phenomena. If there is a spirit world connected to ours, Kassewitz believes that bridge can be documented, measured, and explained.
Where's Anne Rice when you really need her? Self-described medium Derek Acorah travels to Egypt where he communes with the spirits of King Tut and other long-departed personalities, aided by Sam, his Ethiopian spirit guide.
Mintoo is the tale of an fearless girl but fear becomes her best friend in her journey of life where she will face the mental and physical challenges. Will she be a winner ? or fear will takeover ?
Who is the real you? The "Tasokare Hotel" exists in a state of twilight limbo, allowing souls caught between the afterlife and the world of the living to rest. Neko Tsukahara arrives with no memory of who she is or how she came to be there, and is shown to a room filled with items relating to her past. As she searches for a way to remember who she was, a certain incident confronts her.