A series of unrelated sports gags. Archery: The bullseyes make sense when we see where the archer is standing. Billiards: A trick shot: All the balls move together. Ping pong: The spectators eyes follow the ball... Ski jump: A long, long chute and a very short jump. Track: The hurdlers climb the hurdles like ladders. Swimming: The women's champion turns out to be a mermaid. A men's champion demonstrates strokes, ending with the crawl (on the bottom of the pool, on all fours). We see dives, ending with a seedy bar. Crew: We pull back from the first three precision rowers to see a real mess. Bicycle track racing: "Monotonous, isn't it?" Baseball: A talkative catcher gets knocked back by the ball. Football: Avery Memorial Stadium, with every seat on the 50-yard line one row wide and hundreds tall. On field: The QB calls signals and hops around. A ref emerges from under a pileup: "Is it a touchdown? Mmm, could be." The play is diagrammed into a huge tangle. Auto racing: The winner is...
Tom's father mistakenly believes that the little bird who's just rescued his tiny son from drowning in the dishwater is attacking the boy and drives it away. Tom sets off to find the bird and gets lost in a fierce snowstorm.
Caveman Porky awakens and plays with his pet Rover, a massive dinosaur. After Rover's playfulness causes a disruption to the prehistoric peace and quiet, Porky's copy of "Expire" magazine arrives in the mail, filled with ads for fashionable new bearskins. Porky decides to go out and get himself a new suit, and sets off with his trusty club.
Porky Pig owns a fish store and goes out to lunch. After a cat is not having much success with a mouse, he goes into the fish store when Porky is away. When the cat thinks he has the good appetite, the fish go to war against him and drive him out of the store. He is then freaked out by the mouse and shrinks as the mouse grows.
A live action black-and-white prolog tells the story of how Walt Disney came to Hollywood with $300, was rejected by all the major studios, but went on to tremendous success, many awards, and a thriving studio. Titles then ask what this means to the Standard Oil Salesman, and a parade of Disney characters gives us the answer, featuring Mickey as drum major, Minnie carrying a banner, and the 7 Dwarfs carrying the letters "STANDARD" (Dopey gets stuck with the last two): Apparently the various ads for Standard will be featuring Disney characters in the coming year.
We take a tour of Porky's Poppa's farm, to the tune of Old MacDonald. After meeting several animals, "on this farm, he has a mortgage" which he frets over, particularly since Bessie has stopped producing milk. Poppa orders an Acme milk producing robot, and the beast vs. machine battle is on.
Emily the chicken lives in Hickville but dreams of Hollywood. Her chance comes when director J. Megga-Phone happens to drive past and gives her his card.
Sylvester Cat and his dopey, brawny feline friend, Benny, hunt mice in a warehouse because Benny wants one as a pet. Hippety Hopper, the baby kangaroo, is in the warehouse, and the two cats, of course, think he's a giant mouse. Benny wants him and obliges Sylvester to try and catch the fleet-of-foot Hippety.
Two polite twin gophers are indignant at the swiping of all their vegetables by "vandals" in trucks. They follow the trucks to a food processing plant and become caught in the machinery when they try to retrieve their property.
Sylvester Cat is a lighthouse keeper's mouse-catcher assigned to keep a mouse from unplugging the light. The mouse only wants a good night's sleep and asks Hippety Hopper, the baby kangaroo who has just crashed off of a ship on the nearby rocks, to help him fight Sylvester and keep the lighthouse light turned off.
Sylvester Cat pays a visit to a closed-to-business circus and finds Tweety Bird in one of the cages. Tweety escapes and a mad chase ensues. Meanwhile, Sylvester must flee from an uncaged lion he angered earlier.
A drunken stork comes to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daffy Duck with a bundle of joy, but Daffy wants no part of the delivery and takes extreme measures to keep the stork away.