Tony Harrison's poetic essay on the working class - in particular the British miners -, its struggles, its dreams and its icononography - at the very end of the 20th century, as interpreted through the myth of Prometheus.
A sideshow barker uses magic and visual aids to alert the public that proper food management is both a resource and a weapon that could be to America's advantage if conserved properly in winning the then current World War. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive, Academy War Film Collection, in 2008.
In a war-torn land of man vs. robot, a young runaway slave searching for his father must ally with a broken and battle-scarred war-robot or be hunted down by his brutal overseers.
Emilia is a suburban kid. She goes to school, lives with her Mom and sometimes her Dad, and her life couldn’t be more ordinary. But one day Emilia’s pet hamster bites her finger. Emilia gets a secret superpower to transform into Super Furball, who can fly and solve problems with her superpowers. At the same time, the herrings in the nearby Baltic Sea bay are screaming for help because of poisoned water. As the Super Furball, Emilia takes it upon herself to fix the situation and finds ways to be more courageous in her own life.
Kohata Anime Studio is a place full of dreams where animation is made. Baja was raised in this studio by the people who create animation. Floating in a pond outside are his friends the ducks. One night, when all the people are no longer at the studio, Baja takes a peek outside and finds that his duck friends are being attacked by a cat. Will Baja be able to save his friends? A wondrous night adventure begins.
Once Upon a Time, one of the first animated films made in Spain, is a free adaptation of the story Cinderella by Charles Perrault. It was directed by Cirici Pellicer, pseudonym of Jaime Baguña Gil, and obtained recognition for the best children's film at the Venice Film Festival.
"Hija de Perra" (Daughter of Bitch) , a woman who together with his servant and slave "Perdida" (Lost) are engaged in selling in a free fair pies of pine made of human flesh. The obsession of Hija de Perra to revive Caballo, her dead husband, leads her to come into contact with supernatural beings capable of returning life to her beloved, in exchange for a great offering.
The legendary King Wiglaf must assemble the most unlikely team to find The Taker's crown of power before Tome, the Titan thief, claims it and brings destruction upon humanity.
A hardened vampire hunter and a journalist travel to a village in Transylvania to investigate a mysterious event that happened in Zalesky Castle. The duo are guided by a young Romanian girl and joined by a Korean television reality show team as they attempt to untangle the community’s secrets.
Darken is set in a bizarre, mysterious, and violent unknown world with danger and death around every corner. After a young woman is accosted by a dying warrior in the middle of the street, a bizarre incantation propels her into the realm of Darken - a violent prison-like world of labyrinthine rooms, interconnected with no apparent rhyme or reason and no way of escape. As she fights for survival within this brutal place, she finds allies who are rebelling against the rule of a self-appointed religious despot who demands allegiance to an all-powerful god called "Mother Darken." Eve and her allies must fight with everything they have if they are to have any hope of surviving the horrors Darken has in store for them.
A young gay boy, from his birth to his teenage years, in which he experiments his sexuality and his own boundaries, to the day he finally meets his father. In three acts: Act I — L'Annonciation or The Conception of a Little Gay Boy (2011); Act II — Little Gay Boy, ChrisT is Dead (2012); and Act III — Holy Thursday (The Last Supper) (2013).
In this minimalist stage version of the MGM film, Dorotea is swept to Oz by an offstage tornado, greeted by Glinda and flowery Munchkins, not played by actors. Glinda looks suspiciously like Mother Ema (not Aunt). A Wicked Witch appears with blacked out teeth who looks like Dona Brujilda, who has been trying to get rid of Dorotea's dog.