Disregarding the sanctity of "Song Bird's" feelings, John Strong, a young surveyor in the pioneer forests of the west, makes love to the Indian maiden whenever he chances to meet her, until she longs and looks for his coming and going, and finds that he has made himself part of her life.
A mountaineer, who has been shot by a pursuing sheriff, is concealed by a mountain girl in her cabin. When the sheriff arrives, she gives him whiskey, while secretly removing the bullets from his gun.
A man is a fugitive from the law. A reward of $2,000 is offered for his capture. A large posse is on his trail. Weary, hungry and haunted, the refugee is slowly but surely being hemmed in.
Miller conceives a bitter hatred for Howard, his successful rival for the hand of Ruth, daughter of Colonel Cameron, commandant of a western array post. A party of immigrants, ignorant of Indian customs, destroy some burial scaffolds. The desecration is witnessed by the red men and a desperate battle ensues.
An old arrowmaker's daughter, while at the stream, meets a brave from another tribe. They become enamored of each other in the sudden positive way of the savage, and agree to meet at sunset. The chief of the tribe to which the girl belongs, covets and demands her of her father. The father consents, but the girl rebels. At sunset, she meets her lover and tells him what her fate is to be. He tells her that when the moon shines, he will come for her and take her away.
Dorothy and her father have staked all their hopes on their mine. While they are awaiting the arrival of Mr. Reid, who is to report on the value of the mine, Pedro, a Mexican, makes familiar advances to Dorothy and is sternly repulsed. Reid arrives and a mutual attraction springs up between himself and Dorothy, to the chagrin of Pedro.
Reed and Rosson are owners of the Yellow Aster mine. They have taken out enough gold to make the final payment, which is due. Both brothers love the same girl, Pauline, but she prefers Reed. Reed saves an Indian, Eagle Eye, from the drunken taunts of a half-breed, and the latter swears vengeance.
The old homestead involved had been passed from father to son and was about to be wrested from them by an avaricious corporation. Lawsuits were started, but the corporation managed to gain the best of the argument, when Ruth took the law into her own hands, held up the coach, and stored the big strong box in the bushes. Notices offering big rewards were posted conspicuously and Ruth lost her fortitude. The reward was increased, Ruth disclosed the location of the treasure, but refused the reward. The company's agent lost his nerve, and as appreciation, deeded back the old homestead to Ruth.
From his hard and lonely life with his foster father, the adopted son finds solace in Cynthia, the neighbor's daughter. Father promises to give them money to start their happy married way, but forgets when a widow, with a little girl, comes home with him as a bride. Then it is that the abandoned well comes into play and father's eyes are opened to his neglect.
The heartless woman with her partner answered the ranchero's call for a wife. Then the adventuress soon discovered she was not as heartless as she at first imagined. She learned to love and when the other man appeared to perpetrate the infamous design, true woman nature came into the struggle, saving both herself and the ranchero.
The tenderfoot came into camp with his ill-gotten money intending to purchase a claim. The faker salted a claim, hoping thereby to secure the money. But the gambler got ahead of him through cheating at cards. Later the tenderfoot sought to regain his money and in the struggle it fell into worthier hands.
When a frontier family, living in Kwa-Zulu Natal’s Old West, is beset upon by a band of thugs seeking to steal their homestead’s title deed by any means necessary, a father will have to fight to protect not only the safety of his wife and children, but his right to farm the land he inherited from his father before him, and in so doing, teaching his children the value of a family standing united together against all odds.
The cheery smile of big-hearted Ed Daton, a simple Westerner, causes a little girl to sense the thrill of happiness. Her desire for a greater measure of this, to her unknown joy, prompts her to steal away from her abusive parents and wander back to the little station known as "Lonesome." She is taken in by big Ed and the other noble herdsman and develops under the new environment to a bright and cheerful maiden. Out of gratitude, she guards the welfare of her benefactors and prompts them to nobler deeds of manhood.
Fatty comes up with a plan to prank his cowboy buddies. He announces that his sister Kitty is coming to visit, but it's not at all what his friends expected.
'Calamity,' having fallen into money, receives a letter purporting to be from two long lost cousins, who were really Los Angeles confidence men. With her burro she goes to Los Angeles. After many adventures, she succeeds in getting her burro into the Pullman, and is met at the great amusement park, Venice, by the confidence men.
In the hills of Dixie live Jed and Sue, a country lad and lass, who are very much in love with each other. The keeper of the wayside tavern is an unscrupulous fellow who has coveted Sue for some time. He makes advances to Sue, but Jed, who suspects the man, warns him to keep away and not molest her.