Dare Devil Tom Wallace, so called because of his seeming lack of fear, is held up while riding in the stage and robbed by a masked desperado named Morgan. Wallace finds the trail of the robber and follows it to the face of a cliff.
Steve, ambitious to outstrip his rivals, Slim and Tex, in a race for Betty's hand, orders a dress-snit by mail. The spike-tail is an awful fit and Steve retires from Betty's inspection anything but pleased. He gives the "fixins" to a Mexican, who in turn suffers from the hands of the populace when he makes his appearance in public, and is finally suspiciously pursued by a posse.
John Wilson goes to the mountain-town bank to draw out the pay-roll. Sam Marvin and Ed Hanley "pike" this proceeding and ride on ahead, up the road, to await the coming of the superintendent in his auto. Jim Carter, the son of Sheriff Carter, also his deputy, observes their actions, and finds their pictures in prison records.
Willie Clever, city born and bred, having been spoiled with plenty of money, thinks he knows it all, or nearly all. His father buys a ranch in Arizona and sends Willie out to run the business. He comes with "all the fixin's," and has not been on the place an hour before he tries to run, or reform the outfit. The cowboys decide he needs some experience.
The marshal is compelled to arrest his brother-in-law for accidentally shooting a Mexican. His wife pleads for his release, but it is ineffectual. When he is asleep, she takes the calaboose keys from his pocket, but finds that the prisoner has been helped out by a "half-breed.". The marshal is awakened by her return and discovers that his keys are gone.
Bud Harris, a young miner with a reputation for courage, goes prospecting in the desert with Tom Jones in an attempt to locate a turquoise mine. Their water gives out and their horses die on the way. Bud thinks that Tom has water in his canteen and strikes him down.
Texas Pete, a gun-man, is "extra" bad when in liquor. This, however, does not terrify the ranch foreman, who discharges him for drunkenness. Pete laces on his hardware and lurches off, with the intention of shooting up the town where he pumped in his original trouble.
A pair of precious loafers in a mining town learn from one of their "kidney" that Dick Mackey's partner, Bill Bryson, has died and that his gold dust is cached in Dick's cabin. They get sober and conclude to rob Mackey, but find that he is too quick on "the draw," and give it up.
A drifter nicknamed "Driftin' Sands" is hired by a wealthy rancher to protect his spoiled daughter. Driftin', of course, falls for the lady and is immediately banished from the ranch.
Lovely senorita Maria Alvaro is rescued from a gunshot wedding to foppish Senor Valdez practically on the steps to the church by daredevil rider Jim Collins.
Attempting to warn an old prospector and his daughter of impending danger from a notorious outlaw, diminutive but tough Bruce Sherwood is himself mistaken for a bandit.
Jerry Hixon's ranch is being besieged by raiders so Ben sends for his friend Bud. When Bud arrives and finds that the outlaw Texarkana Pete has been captured, he buys Pete's clothes and posing as Pete joins the outlaw gang. But he is quickly in trouble when his masquerade is exposed.