Gregory is a phony government agent issuing worthless checks. To keep from being exposed he has his men dress as Indians and attack anything bringing mail. This leads to an Indian war. White Eagle, a pony express rider, exchanges his buckskins for his native Indian garb, and sets out to end the war.
Jack is a farmer turned gunfighter for the murder of his wife at the hands of Douglas Fox, a ruthless outlaw. He lives obsessed with revenge and after 5 years, the villain returns to his old ways. Jack goes on the hunt with his best friend and a local bounty hunter. In a confrontation with Fox in a cave, they resurrect an ancient cult evil that lay dormant.
It's roundup time and Stevens is out to start a range war between the big ranchers and the nesters. Tim Malloy is elected to head the roundup but is unable to stop the war and joins the nesters. With the nesters now well organized, Stevens finds a Malloy look-alike and makes a plan to use him to trap the nesters and wipe them out.
Arizona cowboy Coot Cadigan travels to San Francisco and runs into Stuffy McGee, a small-time crook who stages phony "fights" to amuse the tourists. During one of those frights a man is killed and Coot gets blamed for it. Stuffy hides him out, but when he gets arrested Coot hightails it back to Arizona. with Stuffy's three children. To earn some money, he enters the Arizona Sweepstakes, a horse race with a large purse and one on which Col. Savery--the father of the girl Coot loves--depends on to save his ranch.
Maj. John Furth, a Southern race-horse owner, borrows money to enter his prize racehorse Blue Bird in a race back east, hoping to win enough money to replenish the family fortune. A crooked horse trainer, planted by the man who loaned Furth the money and who wants to marry his daughter Barbara, claims that Blue Bird is a "man killer" and must be shot. Charlie, a neighboring miner who also loves Barbara, doesn't believe it and takes Blue Bird to his mine. Complications ensue.
Australian Rex [Snowy] Baker stars in this USA film. Rex as Captain William Ballard of the Territorials is sent to make a treaty with the natives. But he meets resistance from the Boers, still unreconciled to British rule.Love interest is Katryn van der Poel [Margaret Landis] Theodore Lorch plays Hendrik van der Poel Pinckney Harrison as Karui the king. J.P. Lockney as the friendly "treader". And as the "baddy" Fritz van Roon played by Jere Austin. After fighting and horse riding and rescues "Rex" wins the natives over to the British way of life, and "gets" the girl!
Two men, Thurman and Beady, and a woman, Georgia, ply a confidence game in Alaska by selling 'salted' gold mines to gullible newcomers. But the cold Far North gets too hot for them and they move to greener pastures in the western United States. Business is good until a young cattleman, Tom Hatfield, falls for their trap. But Georgia falls in love with him and this causes problems for her partners.
Based on a story by Robert Lord, the film is about a ranch foreman who assumes responsibility for the ranch following the owner's death. He also cares for the owner's daughter who is taken to Europe by an aunt. Two year later the woman returns from Europe with her new wealthy fiancée and plans to hold their wedding at the ranch, which the foreman has turned into a successful tourist destination. The foreman's feelings for the woman have not been diminished by the years, and after learning some damaging information about the fiancée, the foreman must find a way to stop the wedding. (Wiki)
A dying prospector divides the map to his gold mine into three parts: one for the outlaw who shot him, one for comedy sidekick Harry Grippe, and the third to hero Tom Stone. Tom must care for the miner's now-orphaned son and, at the same time, reach the mine before his enemies do.
A post-modern "western" film that explores the difference between an outlaw and a criminal. Set in an economically ravaged New York City with no central authority, the story centers around two bandits and a bounty hunter.
Ray Whitley and his Bar-Six musical cowboys apply for work at the Bar-X ranch. The owner refuses at first but gives in when his niece intercedes. When the owner of the Lazy Q hears the music, she steps foot on the Bar-X for the first time in years. Ray and the girl get the two owners together and they decide to marry and merge the ranches.
Two little orphan brothers, Sammy and Bobby are looking for their father who left before they were born.They camp in the woods and call from a phone booth in the middle of nowhere, to ask random man one question: Are you our Dad? Dave, a suspicious man returns their call and claims to be their father. The boys knock on Dave's door with hope and one important question, the only clue their Mom left them before she dies: Do you love us more than money? 'I love you guys more than anything...' Dave does not know that he answers the question wrong...