Between love madness, scandals, intrigue and happiness - the stories of German princesses on the Russian tzar's throne were shaped by strokes of fate. Princess Charlotte of Prussia was married on exactly her 19th birthday in 1817 with the future Russian Tsar. She joined a long line of German princesses at the Tsar's court, beginning with Catherine the Great and extending to the last Russian Empress. 200 years later, her descendant Maria in St. Petersburg is searching for the traces of these German women.
At the request of the Catholic Church in Lisbon, members of the Royal Archeology and Historical Association (RAHA) of Portugal excavate 78 mummies in a crypt beneath the altar of the Sacramento Church in Lisbon. In the course of excavation the researchers find handwritten books indicating there is a large amount of treasure buried - somewhere - near the mummy crypt.
Was Christopher Columbus born in Genoa, Italy? Most definitely not, say an unlikely collection of experts from European royalty, DNA science, university scholars, even Columbus's own living family. This ground breaking documentary follows a trail of proof to show he might have been much more than we know.
In the summer of 1942, Rommel's Afrika Korps swept across the Western Desert, sending the Allied forces into full retreat. Driven back deep into Egypt, Montgomery's 8th Army dug in along the El Alamein Line, prepared for battle. This factual film portrays the events leading up to and during, one of the greatest battles in the Second World War, the Battle of El Alamein.
They stood up for their rights by sitting down at the counter of the Rock Hill Five and Dime. Orders of coffee were met with violence, police brutality and unjust imprisonment, turning a peaceful protest into a landmark of the Civil Rights Movement.
Snake Goddess Mansa is having a bad day. It's her birthday but she is restless and irritated by her followers in Naglok. Fortuitously Nagraj turns up and she manages to cajole him into revealing the name of her father, who is none other than Lord Shiva.
It’s the bitterly cold Winter of 1979 as Rusty types furiously in his trailer. His fiancé had just left him at the alter and in response, Rusty uproots himself from Minnesota and relocates to the middle of nowhere. He’s not completely alone for Alice, whom he refuses to accept has left his side, stands nearby in the form of a mannequin. Rusty’s new utopia is soon disturbed by Babs, Ruth-Ann and Fran; three local bullies who develop a jealous streak towards Alice. Their reconnaissance mission begins and the snowballs soon fly as the temperature plunges ‘2 Below 0’!
A disturbing chapter in Russian history is explored in this documentary. In 1933, Joseph Stalin sent 6000 "unwanted" citizens of Moscow and Leningrad to a desolate Siberian island - with no food or clothes to speak of. Decades later this documentary returns to the island.
How former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert unexpectedly rose to power and how he dramatically fell from grace: from the most powerful position in the country to prison.
The film interweaves the personal accounts of polio survivors with the story of an ardent crusader who tirelessly fought on their behalf while scientists raced to eradicate this dreaded disease. Based in part on the Pulitzer Prize-winning book Polio: An American Story by David Oshinsky, Features interviews with historians, scientists, polio survivors, and the only surviving scientist from the core research team that developed the Salk vaccine, Julius Youngner.
The Trojan Horse… It was the ultimate sneak attack, bringing a city that would withstood nine years of battle to its knees. But was it simply a work of fiction? Or did the Greeks really trick the Trojans into defeat with a giant wooden horse that concealed enough soldiers to reduce the powerful city to rubble? Are the city of Troy and the familiar story of the Trojan War as recounted in Homer’s ancient Greek epic poem, the Iliad, fact or fiction?
The story of the most notorious land pirates who stalked the Southeast during the turn of the 19th century. Samuel Mason, a Revolutionary War hero, turns to a life of crime. Meanwhile, Big Harpe and Little Harpe, America’s first serial killers, wreak havoc through the region. Soon, these three outlaws will meet along the wilderness road.
An account of the life and career of Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly solo non-stop across the Atlantic Ocean, and who disappeared in 1937 during what began as a round-the-world flight.