In 1942, when computers were human and women were underestimated, a group of female mathematicians helped win a war and usher in the modern computer age. Sixty-five years later their story has finally been told.
At 15 he and his family became victims of state terror. At 16 he became a freedom fighter to participate in the 1956 Revolution against Soviet oppression. At 17 he is betrayed and arrested by the dreaded Secret Police (AVH). Now he has to spend the remainder of his life in a political prison, called Hell's Hallway, to reach the legal age of 18 before his death penalty can be carried out. Peter Mansfeld was 18 when he was unjustly executed by the totalitarian regime of Hungary. Today he is remembered as one of the national heroes of Hungary.
About the illegal radio station A.K.Y. and the men that operated it in Norway, based in Kristiansand and Oslo, that helped carry the fight against the Nazis in the bleakest days of WW2. The film is based on a true story, and several of those who participated in the real events play themselves.
An adaptation of the novel of the same name by Julien Gracq. Four soldiers await a possible German attack on a fortified house in the forest of the Ardennes.
The story of how Australia's 'ANZAC myth' was born and the role of General John Monash in this process as soldier and statesman both during and after WW1.
Moldavia, 1944. An elite squad of Red Army scouts is sent to stop an equally elite squad of Germans soldiers committing war crimes behind Soviet lines.
О буднях морской пограничной заставы в середине 30-х годов. На маленьком тихоокеанском острове несет службу гарнизон пограничной охраны НКВД. Небольшой отряд бойцов мужественно защищает родную землю от нападения японских диверсантов и гонит прочь непрошенных гостей. Однажды японский эсминец высаживает десант на один из советских островов. Захватчикам помогают завербованные ими предатели. Но пограничники дают достойный отпор агрессору.
По мотивам романа Александра Звягинцева "Русский Рэмбо". Афганистан 1986 г. Офицер-десантник Игорь Скворцов по прозвищу Скиф сразу после свадьбы уезжает служить в Афганистан. При первой возможности жена Ольга едет к мужу. Во время одной из военных операций в горах Скиф находит захоронение старинных золотых украшений. Вернувшись в часть и узнав о том, что моджахеды похитили его молодую жену напав на автобус и убив двух сопровождающих. Несмотря на грозящий трибунал, Скворцов угоняет боевой вертолет и устремляется на поиски любимой...
Young guys from different social strata, some of whom have a criminal past, are called up to the airborne troops. Sergeant Alexey Burov (Alexey Serebryakov) was appointed commander of a platoon of recruits. It is he who instills in inexperienced "sons" the skills of hand-to-hand combat, mutual assistance and army savvy in the ongoing exercises. And now the day of baptism of fire has come. A unit of paratroopers receives an order to help border guards neutralize a large gang of drug traffickers trying to illegally cross the border...
In the mid-18th century, Thailand's King Textron was defending his Ayuthaya Kingdom as he fought against the Myanmar invasion. At the same time, his wife Queen Taya was having a secret affair with the swordsman Chai, who may actually be a Myanmar traitor intending on toppling the Ayuthayans from within the palace. Filled with dazzling swordplay action and epic battle scenes, THE LORD OF AYUTHAYA is a stirring account of one of Thailand's most famous battle in history
Three Polish mathematicians are the first to crack the sophisticated Enigma code used by the Germans just before the Second World War. They build replicas of the Enigma machines and manage to get two of the machines to the British and French code-breakers before the German invasion of Poland in 1939; they ask that recognition be given to their work at the end of the war. After the invasion, the Polish cipher bureau escapes and continues their decoding in Algeria and unoccupied France.
In the gathering dusk of 18 August 1966, 108 young, inexperienced Australian and NZ soldiers are separated and surrounded, fighting for their lives, holding off an overwhelming force of 2,500 battle-hardened Viet Cong and North Vietnamese soldiers. And, in the pouring rain, amid the mud and shattered trees of a rubber plantation called Long Tan, with their ammunition running out and another Vietnamese battalion massing for the final assault, the digger's situation seemed hopeless. Long Tan is the true story of ordinary boys who became extraordinary men.