Broncho Billy, baring received a letter from an old friend of his, Steve Brady, requesting him to take care of his child. Brady dies and the child, a young girl of eight, is sent to the far western country where her now departed father knew that she would grow up to be an honorable and true daughter of his native country.
Broncho Billy is seen smoking a cigar in a general store in the far west. An Indian enters, who tries to force his attentions on a young girl. The Indian is rejected by Broncho. The Indian swears revenge.
The sheriff of Sioux County, Arizona, is notified to locate the bandits' rendezvous. Carl Waters, the sheriff, scouts the country and finally locates them. Returning to the town saloon and dance hall Waters, who is smitten with the fair Caroline Heston, proposes to her. She promises to give her answer the following day.
Broncho Billy's brother, Dick, is madly in love with Nellie Parsons. Jack Dupont, a mining engineer from the east sees pretty Miss Parsons and becomes infatuated with her. Not waiting for an introduction, Dupont follows and introduces himself. A few days later, Dupont proposes and is accepted. Nellie returns the engagement ring to Dick.
Jim Clay, a rough western ranchman, kisses his daughter goodbye, and departs for the town saloon. Entering, he sees four of his comrades finishing a game of cards. Broncho Billy, one of them, wins all the money. Clay exits and seats himself on a barrel in front of the place. Broncho, with his winnings, departs from the saloon, meets Clay and together they proceed to the ranchman's home.
After holding up a stage-coach, Broncho Billy disappears into the woods on horseback. The driver of the coach unhitches one of the horses and rides to the nearest town, notifies the sheriff, who goes in pursuit with the posse.
A pretty western girl rejected a cowpuncher admirer for Bronche Billy. Snake, the rejected suitor, swears revenge and immediately proceeds to the village barroom to load up with ammunition, both for the gun and the stomach.
Winnie Allen, a pretty western girl, is loved by Dan Wild, whose father owns the Circle C Ranch. Broncho Billy, foreman of the Circle C, also loves Winnie and she favors his suit. Knowing this, and to make his way clear, Dan persuades his father to discharge Broncho. Broncho is unable to learn the cause of his dismissal from Wild.
Netty Parker and her sister, Mildred, two brave western girls, are instrumental in capturing two notorious outlaws in the cleverest of ways. Returning from town early one evening, they discover two bandits who have held up the afternoon stage, laughing over the division of the loot.
Broncho marries a Mexican girl at the earnest entreaty of her dying father. Later a Mexican singer wins her love and, to get Broncho out of the way, she has him arrested and jailed on the charge of having assaulted her. In a frenzy of rage, Broncho secures the sheriff's revolver, escapes from jail and tracks the pair at his shack.
Old Silas Jordan, a settler, finds that his horse is not able to pull the heavy load demanded, and discovers the well-fed broncho of Jim Davis, a ranchman, staked out near the trail. Jordan deliberately takes the broncho, hitches it to his wagon and drives on.
"Alkali" Ike, with a luxuriant growth of beard that he has carefully fostered, determines to see the city for the first time. He arrives, and not being a good dodger, is knocked insensible by the first automobile he encounters. His disfigured face is shaven by a doctor, who adorns it with several large strips of plaster, gives him some new clothes and turns him loose. Arriving back in his home town he meets his wife's sister, attempts to embrace her and she, not recognizing his shaven face, summons the aid of a group of punchers who immediately put Alkali through a course of rough treatment, including a ducking in the watering trough, and finally land him in the town jail.
Broncho is instrumental in saving Yellow Wolf, an Indian, from the wrath of Dan Runnion, a surly cowpuncher, and Runnion swears revenge. His chance comes when he sees a notice from the county sheriff advising that cattle rustlers are at work and for ranchmen to watch their stock.
Pepita, proprietress of the town dance hall, is loved by Big Moose, an Indian. Jake Harding, a worthless cowpuncher, also pretends love for Pepita in order to get an occasional drink of free whiskey. Big Moose swears to kill Harding, and is only prevented from carrying out his treat by Pepita.
The accidental overturning of their "prairie schooner" kills a settler and his wife and leaves their little baby girl, Sunbeam, alone in the world. Discovered by Big Wolf, an Indian brave from a nearby tribe, Sunbeam is adopted and brought up as one of their number.
Old Silas Trent, a squatter, is warned that the community is not healthy for those of his calling and to move out. Trent is furious and vows vengeance on any that try to interfere with him.
Jim Boulder, a ranchman, receives a letter one morning, from his old friend and chum, George Stapleton, a New Yorker, saying his son Elliott, is coming out to the ranch to pull himself together and to take good care of the boy, above all to keep liquor from him. Next day Elliott arrives and immediately falls in love with Boulder's pretty daughter, Sue. She returns his love and thus arouses the insane jealousy of Bill Dunham, the ranch foreman. A month passes and Bill, discovering that Elliott's weakness is drink, manages to smuggle a bottle of liquor into his room, thinking the young fellow will disgrace himself.
Jim Dunn, county sheriff, is asked to withdraw his name as a candidate for re-election because the boys think he has proved himself incapable in office. Dunn is a tighter, rushes to town, declares he will be in the campaign in spite of all opposition, and has the town placarded with notices urging the boys to vote for him. .Meanwhile, the judges have a hard time to find a man with the nerve to run against Dunn. Broncho Billy, a ranchman, is urged to become a candidate and agrees. Cleaning his gun thoroughly, Broncho sits down to eat dinner. Word of Broncho's becoming his rival reaches Dunn's ears and he immediately rides to the ranch house.
Vedah Morley is drawing a pail of water at the well one morning, when Broncho Billy approaches, lifts his sombrero respectfully, and asks for a drink. Struck by the simple charm of the girl, Broncho watches until she enters her shack nearby, then goes on down the trail, unconscious of the fact that Vedab is gazing after him from the window.