During a debaucherous four days in Las Vegas, David reunites with his estranged father and confronts his greatest fear -- that he is destined to become the man he has always despised.
Charming, charismatic and brutally honest, Erik Rivera is the hilarious best friend we all wish we had. I’M NO EXPERT brings his talents center stage as he riffs on relationships, fatherhood and his eccentric extended family.
During tough economic times, a couple has to change course in their lives. Fast forward a few years later, a dinner date turns into a challenge when Brian insists he can prepare a better meal then what was served at a restaurant. His girlfriend Trina will reward him if the meal is quality. He plans to use his grandmothers secret recipe. They finally reunite but will they win the competition?
Three stories about three women: one is trying to find the right guy; one is trying to get a divorce from her runaway husband so she takes hostages; one turns Tel Aviv upside down in order to save a kitten trapped in a storm drain.
When the eccentric cast of a mid-90s Public Access show in Detroit reunite after 20 years to make a new episode, they are forced to take a hard look at their lives and reconcile their teenage dreams with the realities of adulthood.
The Junkyard Willie Movie: Lost In Transit is a rather raunchy and tasteless independent comedy film based on the Touch-Tone Terrorists prank calls CD's (as heard on Howard Stern and Crank Yankers on Comedy Central and MTV2). This movie also features Mary Carey (Sober House, Celebrity Rehab, California gubernatorial recall election candidate) and rock star Randy Ratchett (Toxic Sludge). Lost In Transit has received numerous awards, accolades and nominations including "Best Effort to Pilot an Aircraft While Intoxicated", "Best Lap Dance for a Nervous Hillbilly", and "Best Impersonation of an OBGYN." The Janitor's Guild calls it "A masterpiece", while Handicapped Boxers of America call it "Cruel and Unusual"
A sassy, no nonsense madam runs a "coloreds only" brothel in Dallas,Tx in the late 1950's. While she and her house of tricks service their regular customers, they run into some very peculiar first time customers and their colorful expectations. She is forced to make a tough decision once she is presented with an unexpected request, that ultimately alters her lifestyle.
This is a romantic comedy where Zeke finds out that Sex Ain't Love by going through a roller coaster ride of emotions with his old friend Regina. Zeke learns more about his heart than sex can ever teach him.
After months staking out high profile mafia figures in New Jersey in 1981, undercover FBI agents Joey Caruso and Davee Price get more than they bargained for when a video camera comes into their possession. They embark on a wild ride in discovering the truth behind this group and suddenly disappear, never to be seen or heard from again. Fast forward decades later when the survellience video reappears. Will this shed light on their lives and answer the mysteries from long ago?
Long-haired, loud, and a real long way from home. The hip thrusting glam metal band with an image problem has come to a part of the world that suffers the same. The Middle East. Their mission: make music videos, and get out alive. The band are furious though when they learn that management has given the job of directing their videos to a relatively inexperienced Jordanian film maker by the name of Anas. Dealing with the band's egos, tantrums and paranoia, Anas struggles to help the band create the right image for their new songs. It all makes for a volatile but hilarious mix. The band soon falls apart though and Anas faces even greater pressure to pull the video clips off. For as he knows too well; in a world that rocks, image makes the difference.
His parents named him Reginald Regineld. His friends call him "Ditto." At the age of eleven he decided he wasn't going to do anything with his life. And that was going pretty well until senior year when he saw Tracy. This wasn't so much love at first sight as much as it was "completely-head-over-heels-gonna-get-her-at-any-price-even-if-I-make-a-complete-fool-of-myself" love at first sight. And it would burn for decades. Whether she loved him or not.
An alien comes to earth with a botanical virus, but a gutsy Arizona widow wins him over with her garden-fresh cooking, and then tries to topple the corrupt government that put him up to it.
A lonely video editor decides to try online dating while his girlfriend is away. He meets a neurotic newbie to the online romance scene who soon sends his life into a crazy tailspin of bad decisions.
Three black guys from Utah, who happen to be the only black people from Utah, stumble upon a new black woman who has come to town. They begin to vie for her love but fear they aren't "black enough" to appeal to her. They hire someone from out of own, Pepper Palmer, to teach them how to act "blacker," except when he arrives, he's not quite what they had in mind.
New kid in town Chris has trouble fitting in, until his neighbor tells him she plans to rescue animals from the local circus. After the animals follow them home, they take one in and teach him what being a kid is all about!
In “Half Like Me,” actor, comedian and “Daily Show” correspondent Al Madrigal takes us on a Pocho quest as he explores the confusing reality of being half—dealing with white people who think he’s too Mexican, and Latinos who don’t think he’s quite Latino enough.