Ragtime is a miniature pet horse and the kids love him. But villains Sam and Lester think Ragtime can be their meal ticket. They kidnap the horse for ransom. Ragtime out-smarts the bad guys who are then happy to be hauled off to prison.
Rudy Ray Moore -- an underground comedian and blaxploitation star of the 1960s and '70s -- revisits his other career as an R&B singer in this 2000 concert filmed live at New York City's Wetlands and featuring special guest Jimmy "Funky Tramp" Lynch. The raucous set list blends Moore's infamous foulmouthed comedy with songs such as "Hully Gully Fever," "Hip Shakin' Papa," "Put Me in the Mix" and "Do You Call That a Buddy?"
Work to live or live to work? That's the question facing 38-year-old underachiever John (Paul Kolsby). When he meets the love of his life, Denise (Sharon Repass), he decides to leave his dream job as a video store clerk for a "real job" in the corporate world. But John soon finds office life uninspiring, especially when the demanding hours keep him away from his girlfriend.
Writer, producer and director Chris Seaver (Filthy McNasty) puts the campiness in summer camp with this raunchy and hilarious misadventure that finds the one and only Teenape taking on the job of Camp Arawak counselor. When the delinquents of Arawak run roughshod over his friend and confidante Heather, Teenape swings into action and shows the little miscreants a thing or two about living life on the wild side.
The city's biggest crime lords have hatched a plan: Recruit three of the best bank robbers and hire them to go on a spree, which includes snatching a highly valued gem the bosses can claim for insurance money. Each one's working on his own, until they realize they're being played against each other. Their counterattack? To band together and run off with the loot, beating the mobsters at their own game. Stars Ryan Combs and David E. Baker.
In this follow-up to the inspirational musical comedy Reverend I'm Available, former scoundrel Alex Johnson hears the call of the Lord, gives up his sinful ways, becomes a full-time minister of the faith and finds more trouble than he bargained for. Suddenly, Alex has his hands full with more women than he knows what to do with. Who knew that men of the cloth were considered the most eligible bachelors in the community?
Theo, Clair, and Renee forge their way through life in an attempt to find their place and purpose in a bleak Pennsylvania town. Theodore, alone for the first time in his life, broods over past personal tragedies while trying to figure out what comes next. Across town, Theo's grandson Clair is forced to deal with the consequences of his inaction following a devastating breakup. Along the way both men meet Renee, a teenage caretaker to a recovering addict mother, dealing with issues in her own way. Struggling to find a direction, our characters wander lost through life ruminating on past and present failures trying to answer the age old question: What do I do now?
Due to a chemical weapons experiment gone wrong, the entire Earth became afflicted with total color blindness. A scientist finds a formula to correct the eyes perception of color, but as he is about to release it to the world, sinister forces murder him and steal the formula. Or think they have. They didn't steal the main piece of the formula and will now stop at nothing to get it! Monochromia is a comedy of greed, corruption, greed and more greed.
What happens when you grow up in a rich, dysfunctional, white trash family that runs a restaurant that your deceased father built with his blood and sweat? Well, if you're Steve Boyle, you turn into a prick. Steve, the youngest of nine brothers, has a dream to run the Boyles' restaurant but his overbearing family, his lust for Joyce the waitress and his jealousy of Victor, the most perfect human being to walk the earth, stand in Steve's way. Through many conversations with Steve's best friend and co-worker Carlos, he just might find a way to win back Joyce, become the proud owner of Boyles, and earn the respect of his family!
Pete Correale was named one of the top ten comics to watch by Entertainment Weekly in 2008. His affable New York charm and hilarious tales of life and love of the "everyman" put him on the path to comedy stardom. You've seen Pete's breakout performances on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno," "The Late Show with David Letterman," and Comedy Central's "Premium Blend." He has performed at all the major comedy festivals, including Montreal, Aspen, and Kilkenny, and can be heard daily on the Sirius Satellite radio show "Breuer Unleashed."
A war veteran's vision of Jesus leads him to renounce everything he owns and form a fraternity of oddball eccentrics to join him in Gospel poverty. It's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest meet an intelligent dose of Christianity...on the streets of Brooklyn.
When you truly love someone nothing else matters. As two young lovers struggle with raising a child, obtaining an education and finding employment, they must fight to save their love and overcome the doubts of others.
In the tradition of the critically acclaimed gospel plays sweeping the nation, comes one of the most powerful and entertaining productions to date, an inspirational musical stage play that will evoke an array of emotions. Cynthia Wyatt abandons her fraternal twin infants as a troubled teen, leaving her own mother Annie Ruth Wyatt to raise the children. Now it’s 25 years later and one of the twins, Josephine Wyatt, is an attorney at Barnes & Barnes Law firm and engaged to the man of her dreams, Justin. Cynthia then returns to the scene to reclaim her place in her children’s lives. Will she be accepted? Will we discover her reasons for leaving years ago?