A pirate and a landlubber: it’s double trouble in Dull-on-Sea! Ah-haaar! At Dull-on-Sea the (far too) quite life is suddenly turned upside down by the appearance of… a family of pirates ! For Matilda the arrival of these new neighbours is a dream come true. With Jim Lad, the Jolley-Rogers’ son, around, there’s no chance of getting bored! She hopes they’ll never ever go away again! Despite (or because of!) their differences an unshakeable complicity is formed between Jim and Matilda. Best friends and comrades, they get up to all sorts of scrapes, shattering the calm of their tiny town, blowing the conventions of its well-disciplined residents sky high and turning every day into a fresh adventure.
The protagonist of the story is Jim Hawkins, an english preteen boy of the eighteenth-century. He opens the first episode sat down to write a diary in his dorm in the college of the British Admiralty, that host the officers cadets of the royal school of captaincy. Jim is now in the aftermath to that one of our saga, he is older, and he tells, as in the book of Stevenson, all the past incredible adventures, from when Billy Bones entered the inn “Admiral Benbow” that he ran with his mother. This initial curtain of the reminiscent Jim, who writes and renews the wires of the summary and the cohesion, it is the opening of all the episodes and it guides us through the series...
While Noah, Hope, and Eden are moving out of their old house, they discover a hidden virtual reality gaming console in the attic that acts as a portal between the game HeroForce and Real Life. The kids must find and protect the power rings from the hands of the evil bosses that have crossed into Real Life in search of the rings.
Imagine a world with no adults, no strict rules, nothing to do but explore, learn, and most importantly, have fun. A rural world full of laughter, friendship, and games. A world in which the inhabitants seize the day, and each moment is received as a gift. Kukuli, a hyperactive monkey, and his two best friends, Tinky and Minky, are living it up in this dreamlike, magical realm.
A comedy-drama series for children, addressing the complexity of being a 10-year-old through values like courage, acceptance and friendship. Four friends gather every day, after school, at their secret Treehouse, located in the woods behind their homes. The treehouse is where all their adventures begin- In this getaway, their own private world, they share secrets, desires and dreams, stick for each other, help one another coping with difficulties, laugh, fight and reconcile. The Treehouse Bunch” is also a musical series; each episode ends with a music video of a song written especially for the series, corresponding with the episode’s theme.