Ragnar works in an office. He turns 33 in May, and he has 45 in shoes. Ragnar has a vivid imagination. The more he thinks, the younger he wants to be. He thinks it would be good if he were ten years or maybe only seven. Then he would be out playing now. Usually Ragnar think when he sits in his office. He is actually the man who does not want to grow up, or become a grown-up.
Fuzzy Mac just wants to be an ordinary teenager and have fun with her mates - but when the Ancestors have other plans and you keep seeing spirits, that's not so easy.
The strange story of Boxi, the cardboard dog, and Cartommy, the cardboard boy, who come to life in the imaginery world of a child, built from household waste. All characters in the series can actually be cut and folded from paper.
Children face a new situations that could sound difficult or challenging but with the help of Bo Bear, it becomes a life learning lesson! The puppet will guide them in their daily adventures with a lot of imagination, fantasy, kindliness and above all complicity. Each child becomes the heroes of its own life!
Blinky Bill is back to bring his trademark mischief, mayhem, and humour to life. Along with his best mate and sidekick Jacko, Blinky takes on the role as defender of his outback home, Greenpatch.
Inui is a little Inuit girl who lives somewhere in the Arctic Circle and has adventures with her animal friends, including Crackpot the Caribou, Grouchy the Polar Bear, and Lady Penguin.
هو مسلسل عرائس مصري من تأليف وإخراج الراحل رحمي، كان له تأثير كبير في ثقافة الطفل المصري والعربي وقد حاز المسلسل علي متابعة الصغار والكبار، حيث ارتبط بوجدان الطفل لسنوات طويلة في ليالى شهر رمضان، حيث كان له الفضل في ارتباط الطفل المصري بعروسة مصرية خالصة من البيئة المصرية الاصيلة مما كان له أكبر الاثر في مواجهة الثقافات الغربية. صور مسلسل بوجي وطمطم في ثمانيات القرن العشرين حيث كان أول إنتاج له مسلسل عن السلوكيات وكان ذلك في عام 1983 وتوالت الاجزاء بعد ذلك (حوالي 18 جزء)..ومنها:
بوجي وطمطم في رمضان
الفيل الجميل
محطة فلافيلو
حكايات مع بوجي وطمطم
الفانوس السحرى