Unapologetically upwardly mobile and working as a bailiff, Delroy’s life spirals out of control on one surreal day as he races to get to the hospital where his girlfriend Carly is about to give birth.
A new flat, an engagement, a future together – Eryk is sure he is about to enter the happiest phase of his life. However, one accidental discovery shatters his sense of stability. When his lover’s true gender identity comes to light, their love is put to the test. Will what they share survive the confrontation with the truth? An intimate story about acceptance, fear and redefining what ‘we’ means.
Marie-Anne Dieu-le-veut, Mary Read, Anne Bonny, Louise Antonini: four remarkable pirate women defied patriarchal and colonial Western powers to lead adventurous lives across Caribbean history, revealing their forgotten stories overshadowed by famous pirates.
Kiki, a 9-year-old boy who loves Ultraman and watches it every day as a way to escape his less harmonious family life. He has a deep-seated trauma caused by his parents' constant arguments, which leads him to visualize their fights as epic battles between Ultraman and the monster, reflecting his inner turmoil.
A robber who manages to support himself and his blind sister, but he begins to question his criminal actions after he robs the house of a middle-aged man who is also blind.
An irreverent millennial discovers her pregnancy when her film career is on the rise. The parental instability and the support of her grandmother, mother and sisters accompany her gestation as a metamorphosis into a new way of being a woman.
Recipe for C is a collaborative creation by visual artist Jie-Huai Yang and graphic designer Changwei, inspired by their shared experiences with a mutual ex-boyfriend, C. As a restaurant chef, C centered his life around experimental cooking, with his notes and recipes serving as the foundation for this project. Though a recipe book and a cooking tutorial video, the work transforms intimate emotional memories into a public sensory and visual dialogue. Cooking becomes not only a retrospective of a past relationships and sexual roles. By kneading and blending ingredients, the work reinterprets fragile yet profound memories, showcasing the vulnerability and resilience of emotions. Recipe for C unveils private stories hidden in the shadows, like a dish releasing its lingering aroma, challenging viewers' perceptions of emotions and gender roles.
Saho Takahashi, capable but a disillusioned nurse, has lost all motivation for her job working at Sumidaku Sakuraoka General Hospital. She seeks solace in the company of her bed-ridden patient, former Honorary Head Nurse, Sae Yukino. As she opens up about her despair, a sudden earthquake sends Saho into the depths of a strange, unfamiliar jungle.