47 is a hand-made, animated stop-motion film created not just for, but by the Down syndrome community. The film is a heartwarming tale of resilience, acceptance, and inclusion.
A Vietnam veteran wakes up in an empty hospital. As he begins to explore the hospital seeking help or an exit, post traumatic visions manifest before his eyes and he realizes he is not alone.
A nude cycling event is hounded by a right-wing picketer attempting to sabotage it.... Cartoon Slapstick Ensues! Inspired by the international event "World Naked Bike Ride"
After a fatal collision with a truck, Marcel Rouleau finds himself as the guest on a mysterious TV program in the afterlife. But what does the bombastic host of the show want?
A duck accidentally eats a radioactive burger that turns him giant. Shenanigans ensue when the people of Smallville panic and will do everything to demonize and destroy this innocent duck without realizing the damage they themselves do.
High school student Yu Azuma will do whatever it takes to become an idol. Ready to make her dream a reality, she recruits three girls from the four corners of her prefecture. But the road to stardom hides unexpected trials.
A procession of water through its acts of metamorphosis in its life cycle. From the rising mists to billowing clouds, water weaves its way through every environment leaving an impression on even the smallest of creatures.
A stop-motion animated short about a sleep deprived woman kept awake by her husband's snoring. As his snoring becomes worse, she finds herself literally suck into his nose and must contend with monsters formed from his mucus.
10-year-old Vítek has special abilities – he can feel and hear what others cannot. This is a door to his world and shows us that the absence of one sense doesn’t have to be just an obstacle.
"Carnet de poche is an animated film where I scanned all of the pages of my notebook, filled from January to April 2024. It's filled with uncompleted to do lists, some random thoughts and scribbles. It's a way into my messy mind."