Life only ends with the final heartbeat. The palliative care unit at Berlin’s Franziskus hospital. For one summer, Philipp Döring documents conversations driven by humanity, institutional bottlenecks and the light that streams in despite everything.
The Altiplano plateau is one of the most dangerous migration routes in Latin America. A teenager recalls the night she crossed the plateau and the feeling of being accompanied by a spiritual presence that wanders like the wind.
Immigrant workers built a shopping mall for the Munich Olympics 1972.
In 2016 this same place becomes the site of a racist shooting.
„And now this hate.“, concludes a woman in a Sohrab Shahid Saless’ film „Addressee Unknown“ (1983).
A Losing Game follows three people who ran for office in the 2022 Quebec provincial election, casting a critical eye on its electoral system and the many ways in which it is dysfunctional.
His scars form the starting point of her research trip to track down the young people crushed by the military putsch of September 12th, 1980. The dream of Turkish democracy in pieces, the way to an authoritarian regime and political Islam already paved.
It was Lachlan Morton’s greatest feat of endurance yet. Last September, Lachy set a new Around Australia Record, riding 14,200-kilometers around his home country in just 30 days, nine hours, and 59 minutes. That’s more than 460 kilometers per day, every day, for a month. Lachy’s brother Gus was there with him for the ride, filming all of his pre-dawn starts, the lonely time trials down outback highways, headwinds, tailwinds, gas station meals, and all of the people who Lachlan met along the way. The Great Southern Country, our film about Lachlan's Around Australia Record, presented by Cannondale and POC, is a story of endurance, how great challenges bring people together. And it is a story about Australia in all of its rugged beauty.
Seven Latina climbers reflect on how the mountain has guided them through life’s toughest challenges. Their hearts beat as they make the first female ascents of difficult routes, climb 5,000-meter peaks, and free solo traditional routes. We journey with them through their memories and current adventures as they share stories of grief, eating disorders, domestic violence, motherhood, and bicultural identity.
Come together with fans for a special night to launch the new season, reveal their 2025 liveries, and mark the start of the sport's 75th anniversary year.
Within a spiritual community in the Himalayas of Nepal, a group of women exist in tune with the rhythms of their surroundings. Tasked with praying for deceased humans and animals, the ani hold a shared dedication to the manifestation of peace and wellbeing–a tradition that has lasted through generations of women through feminine oral history and cultural practices.
In the 1960s, the suburbs were meant to be modern havens for newcomers from rural France, Portugal, Spain, North Africa, and Africa, helping rebuild post-war France. Large housing complexes symbolized this ideal, offering comfort, heating, and electricity. But by the 1980s, disillusionment set in as economic crisis, unemployment, poverty, crime, racism, and police violence took hold. Mohamed Bouhafsi tells the story of a dream that didn’t last.
This is a documentary movie focusing on the common problems of governance in the world's mega cities. Using the calls received by the 12345 hotline in Beijing as a clue, the movie presents the vivid stories of citizens' lives in Beijing, a mega-city with a population of more than 21 million, through documentary filming.
The viewpoints of women from a country that no longer exists preserved on low-band U-matic tape. GDR-FRG. Courageous, self-confident and emancipated: female industry workers talk about gaining autonomy.