Finist Yasny Sokol is the most famous hero of Belogorye, the strongest, most dexterous and most deserved. Well, the most beautiful, of course. All other heroes are equal to him, children want to be like him, and girls just look at him. Finist is a real superstar. And he carefully protects and maintains this status of his. He needs more and more feats, he is simply obsessed with them. But there is a nuance. The practical benefit of the feat for Finist is no longer of decisive importance. Let's say, freeing a village from a herd of wild boars that tramples down crops is boring, uninteresting, futile: they won't gossip about it, they won't admire it. But going to the end of the world, where Beauty is imprisoned in a tower, guarded by an unimaginable Beast, is a challenge.
In a world blurring reality and imagination, Syd, a little 8-year-old boy tries to hide his mother from Death. They embark on a hide-and-seek game as creatures of earth, Death being their predator. Finally, Death becomes the ultimate predator: Time.
Ye Boming and his wife Yilin run an aquaculture business on a remote island. When cousin Yina visits, she accidentally releases mysterious creatures from an abandoned mine. These creatures hunt by sound, forcing everyone to stay completely silent, but danger lurks everywhere in this suffocating, unpredictable world of silence.
Sasanami Unmei transfers to Nagumohara Junior High School in Nagasaki in search of a soccer-free environment, wishing that soccer would disappear. Meanwhile, Endou Haru, who has demonstrated his natural talent and reigns at the top of his generation, also has complicated feelings about soccer. The unexpected encounter between these two opens the door to new heroes.
Entrapped by a fractured mental state, A heartbroken young woman is greeted by the presence of something sinister in her mirror. Encased desires and the sickly sweetness of apples are enough to unearth her.
A mouse-deer, Sang Kancil, small in figure but cunning and wise. With his intelligence, Sang Kancil often escapes dangers and sometimes helps other animals that are in trouble with bigger and more fierce animals.
a boy finds a letter cover that speaks to him, and after reading it, he transforms into the letter cover, then the same boy come and finds a letter, starting an endless loop cycle curse.
"Forest of Illusions" is a short film about a person who has just moved to his new house where unexplained things take place. A woman appears, who seems to know the place better, and explains that the phenomena originate from the mysterious forest nearby. She describes it as an open door out there. Just a little, but enough for the supernatural phenomena to seep out. The story has elements of magic, strange events and time jumps.
Just when the gang, of Anthony, Will and Luke (and Gus), thought they weren't going on anymore crazy adventures, ... they thought wrong. After making a foul response to his Christmas gift, Will accidentally summons Santa Claus who drags them into doing holiday themed challenges. The end reward for it: a magical orb that will grant the user whatever they most desired for Christmas.