A stagecoach robber falls in love with a saloon girl. However, she falls for a pastor, who converts her and she marries him. The robber is so impressed by this that he decides to turn over a new leaf. However, a shady gambler sets his sights on the former saloon girl, and the robber has to protect her from his advances.
Mrs. Murphy runs a boarding house in a small western town and has trouble in keeping a cook, for the cowboy boarders insist upon eloping with them. After losing two cooks, Mrs. Murphy induces a couple of the cowboys to try their skill, but this does not prove successful. An employment agency is importuned to send Mrs. Murphy a girl cook.
Andy of the Royal Mounted and another trooper are both in love with a little school teacher, who shows the light of knowledge to the children of the settlers in a tiny Canadian hamlet. The school teacher favors Andy's suit and the other trooper is correspondingly despondent. He loses gracefully because Andy is his best friend, but his trouble preys on him. He goes into a saloon, gets drunk and is caught by his colonel and discharged from the service. Later, he shoots a gambler in a brawl and while making his getaway, rescues the school teacher from death when her horse runs away.
Avis and Franklin Hilliard are the spoiled, overbearing children of a wealthy father who has just died. Lord Cecil Oakleigh, a fortune hunter, is Avis's fiancée, although there is no love between them, he marrying her for her fortune and she marrying him for his title. Mr. Hilliard has left the superintendent of his mine in full charge of his fortune.
Old Si Spunk is dying, and leaves his shack and acres in Montana to Elizabeth Spunk, his niece, in the East. A cowboy finds a photograph of a fierce looking old maid with the name "Elizabeth Spunk" on the back. Thinking this is the niece, Tom and Jerry, two of the cowboys, hit upon an idea to drive her out of the country.
The bandit leader is lying wounded in his cabin on the mountain when his confederates bring in a girl whom they have kidnapped while she was on her way to join her father after a trip east.
Dismissed from the church because of his seemingly undue intimacy with the schoolteacher, the young minister becomes an evangelist and, after an incident in which he thrashes the drunken sheriff, is appointed sheriff by the mayor. In the girl's home he sees a picture of her father, whom he recognizes as identical with that on a circular calling for the arrest of Idaho Mac, a notorious desperado. He promises the girl that he will never use his gun against her father, but sends his deputy, the ex-sheriff, to apprehend Idaho Mac at the border. The bandit, badly wounded by the deputy's bullets, reaches his daughter's house, and she thinks the sheriff false to his word.
Carrie Simpkins, a lady lawyer, arrives in a small western town and begins the practice of law. Pete, Jake and Jerry, three cowboys, fall in love with her, but do not progress. Smithers, the pioneer town lawyer happens by and sees the sign, "Carrie Simpkins, Lawyer," and decides to pay her a visit, which he does, and he also falls in love with her. Pete, Jake and Jerry all hit upon the same plan unknown to each other, which will help their chances with Carrie.
Ma and Dad, with their two daughters, live in a cottage in a small western town. The sheriff is a friend of the family and a frequent visitor. Tom, the gambler, has tried to force his attention on Madge and Rose. The gambler plays cards in a bar-room with an assayer, and breaks him. Thereupon the assayer decides to end his life, but the gambler advances him some money.
The Outlaw, preparing to rob the stage, receives a letter from his wife, telling him to lead a good life for the sake of her and his baby, and informing him that he may expect them any time. Filled by remorse, he refuses to accompany his companions on their hold-up. As he rides away, he sees a sign offering clemency to the unknown robber if he will give up his gun. He seeks out the sheriff, surrenders the gun and goes on his way. But the stage is held up and the pursuing posse arrests him. Rendered desperate, he makes his escape and prepares to resume his criminal career. But the posse captures the real bandit.
Dan Calvert, an outlaw, comes with his plunder to the shack of old man Medford, who has a lovely daughter named Jessie. Calvert, in his plunder, finds money and a letter addressed to Hibbard Sharpe, who is on the outlaw's trail. Medford consents to the outlaw's marriage to his daughter in return for a sum of money.
The highwayman, watching through the window of the ramshackle express office, sees the messenger pass a large sum of money under the charge of the agent. A few minute later the messenger, an old man, is held up and robbed by the highwayman. His pursuing shots attract the attention of the sheriff and he starts in pursuit. The highwayman is wounded and drags himself to the barn of a rancher. The rancher saves him from his pursuers and earns his gratitude. A few days later the rancher learns that the police are on his trail for a crime he had committed years before.
The hero's mother is desperately ill and the young fellow, while going afoot for a doctor, stops a mail carrier and forces him- at the point of the pistol- to give up his horse.