Sam Long leaves his invalid wife to seek work in a neighboring town. He is unsuccessful in his quest and being penniless, and his wife in need of food and medicine, he steals a wallet of money from Dr. Lane. While returning home he loses the wallet on the road. It is found by some of the boys, who return it to the doctor.
Buck Stevens, an outlaw, escapes from the county jail, but is speedily captured and locked up again. In more ways than one Buck is shown kindness by the sheriff, who urges him to serve his time. A few years later, when Buck is released, he reads that there is a reward for the capture of one Dare Devil Kelly, hiding in Snake Canon. The sheriff is incapacitated through injury to his ankle and after vainly calling for volunteers to go after the bad man, the sheriff gives Buck the chance.
Hank Rouser, "Big Noise Hank," as a daring stranger had called him, was mad clear through. Julius Jones had faithfully promised to return that $500 after thirty days, and now it was long past due, and not even a line from Mr. Jones. So after a little friendly persuasion, in which Hank's six-shooter was brought into prominence, the bar was effectively cleared of its patrons, despite the protests of the barkeeper, and the bully sat down to dispatch a few terse sentences to his tardy friend, upon the receipt of which, Julius, with the aid of Caleb, his old family servant, quickly packed his traveling bag and started on a little journey, which he wrote to H. Rouser, would surely keep him away several months. (Moving Picture World)
Henry Carter, a forester, has but one falling, that of drink. Despite his efforts to cure himself of his terrible habit, temptation is always stronger than his will, and Agnes, his daughter, is in despair. Finally persuaded to take treatment at a sanitarium by Rev. Small, Carter decides to give it a trial.
Fatty comes up with a plan to prank his cowboy buddies. He announces that his sister Kitty is coming to visit, but it's not at all what his friends expected.
Tom Perkins, a Chicago youth, is arrested, charged with being one of the carbarn bandits, to whom is attributed a series of bold robberies. The disgraced parents also suffer for their son's crimes, the elder Perkins being thrown out of a job, and they are forced to leave their rented cottage, on account of the bad character of their son.
Old Jim Lacey and his daughter operate a stagecoach in the west. One day, Alice, the girl, meets Tom Percival, a prospector, green from the east, and they fall in love. A few weeks later Tom writes Alice that he has struck it rich and for her to accompany her father on the stagecoach that day and she can ride with him to the claim office.
Steve Jameson, a cowboy, is having a lonely meal on the range one day when suddenly he is surprised by a stranger, who rushes covertly out of the bushes and begs him, in an excited manner, for food. The newcomer is a Mexican and his strange demeanor and excited manner suggest to Steve that he is a fugitive.
Young Jim Logan, a miner at the "Little Jonny" mine, is in financial straits owing to the long illness of his wife. Other misfortunes follow when Jim learns of the discontent of other miners and their grumbling at the present wage scale they are receiving. It is finally decided to make demands to the mine owners
Jim Reed, an outlaw, holds up a stagecoach, but is seen by a horseman, who hastily rides to the sheriff's office and shortly after, the sheriff and posse are in pursuit. Finding the trail of the desperado they follow him through a dense woods on the mountainside before he is aware that he is being pursued. He easily eludes them and comes across a miner's hut.
Sam Madden and his daughter Emily run a general store in a small Western town. One of their frequent visitors and one who Madden especially admires is Grey Deer, an educated Indian, and on his deathbed, at the opening of the story, he exacts a promise from Emily that she will wed Gray Deer when he dies.
A party of tourists visiting an Indian reservation turn one poor squaw's head with the beauty of their wearing apparel. This Indian woman steals away from camp and decks herself out in the most remarkable finery. She is followed by her husband through the streets of the town, causing consternation everywhere. Ultimately she is followed by an English dandy, who mistakes her for a beautiful white woman, but they are caught in each other's company by the brave and the Englishman is scalped.
Gordon Olcott, an eastern millionaire, goes west and examines large tracts of land with the view of purchasing a tract, intending to build a summer home. After selecting a suitable tract, covering several thousands of acres, he learns that a miner, working a claim on a portion of his tract has refused to vacate.
A girl deserts her cowboy sweetheart and marries a gambler. In a short time she realizes her mistake and is thrust from the house when ill. Vainly she tries to induce her husband to take her back, but he refuses and she falls by the wayside in a dying condition, where she is found by her former lover. After she dies he hunts out her husband, forces him to go to the house and see her body and then gives him the choice of a vial of poison or bullets from is revolvers.
James Collins leaves his dear old mother and goes West, where he becomes connected with the Bar Diamond Outfit. He finds the life of a cowboy arduous and the pay meager. The possibilities of owning a herd of his own by blotting brands or branding calves, occurs to him, as it has to many others, who desire quick results from very little effort. Six months later, he is a full-fledged cattle thief, branding cattle, under his own registered brand, while ostensibly an honest cowboy in the employ of the Bar Diamond Ranch. He writes his mother of his success and she, never dreaming of the hazardous occupation her son is following, plans to join him in the West.
Dad, a likable old pioneer character, lived among the foot hills of the western mining region, on a ranch with his two daughters, Rose and Madge. As sort of a side issue he had been doing a little prospecting, and about the time the story starts, we see him carrying some of his quartz to Andy Thomas, a young assayer located in a nearby village.
Broncho Bill of Snakeville, is on one of his sprees. Loaded down with all kinds of artillery, he comes up Main Street, firing both pistols. He first visits the town bar and chases everybody out; he breaks into the hotel and causes a panic there; breaks up a prayer meeting; puts an English tourist to flight; grabs the boot off of "Alkali" Ike's foot and shoots at it in the air. Finally, tired of his sport, he borrows a horse and starts for home, shortly after to be pursued by the sheriff and his posse.
Mr. Joseph Close, ranch man, with his wife and daughter, visit the town for supplies. The daughter makes a hit with the storekeeper and it is with difficulty that the ranch man induces his daughter to leave. They return home, and the ranch man finds a letter in his mail box from Wm. Schrider, Attorney-at-Law, informing him that his brother is dead, and has left the sum of three million dollars to his daughter, on condition that she produce an official certificate of her marriage one month from the date of her uncle's death.