From force of habit, some might call him a "Greaser," true, he is a Mexicano; he is no more, a man of noble instinct and chivalrous nature. He falls in love with the American ranchman's daughter, and while she appreciates his sincerity, she does not return his affection for her. Tony not only loves, he respects her, and will not inflict his attentions upon her, and will not inflict his attentions upon her, neither seeking recognition nor reward.
Carmenita is the daughter of a Mexican innkeeper and is loved by all. One day two young Mexican ruffians enter and make vulgar love to her, much to her dislike, when Frank Dougherty, a young cowpuncher enters, and protects her.
Young Frank McLain loses his position in the east, and resolves to go west to prospect for gold. Arrangements are made that he leave his wife at home, and send for her later, as soon as he has found a position. Frank's prospecting proves a failure, and he is without funds, when his plight is made more severe by receiving a letter from Alice, his wife.
Dan Coughlin, a ranger, comes upon a band of smugglers and succeeds in capturing one of them, a half-breed Mexican, "Easy" Joe by name. Joe is taken to headquarters and locked up, while all efforts to wring a confession from him as to the whereabouts of the band's rendezvous have failed. It is not long, however, before the others of the gang make an effort to liberate their pal and send an Indian to spy upon Dan and other members of the troupe.
The cook has been the bane of many a family, but when it comes to stirring up a western ranch and getting the goats of the cowpunchers there is going to be something doing, and the doing of the something is full of interest, to wit: The cook is not satisfactory and the boys strike for a new "chef." They appeal to the boss and he promises them relief, and it is not long in coming from San Antonio in the person of a very swell fussy French guy, whom they look upon as a huge joke.
Lorna is a woman and she is all business when it comes to running the "L.L." Ranch and she has no trouble in handling it and the "boys" who work for her, especially "Jeff," her foreman, who gives her a hand. She evidently appreciates his services and thinks him a handy and pleasant fellow to have around, her "Runs" are the best in Texas. There is a question of title to her land. Finally the Supreme Court decides against her and she is obliged to turn the "L.L." Ranch over to Sir Reginald Coutts-Harcourt, in whose favor the decision has been made.
The scene is laid in the West and presents a French count, in immaculate attire, suddenly dropped among the cowboys. Following an altercation he offers to fight a duel, but when the results of a scheme arranged by the cowboys to show his opponent killing duelists by wholesale are seen, he breaks away and barely succeeds in catching the stage on his way back to the effete East, while the cowboys make merry over their successful joke.
A description of the surviving scenes: Two girls are dancing in the inn, one wearing a white dress, the other in black - a bandit arrives - the bandit has an argument with another guest about one of the girls - the fight continues on the rocks - the bandit throws his rival off the cliff - the girl in black mourns the dead man - a cowboy appears on a horse - the girl in black laments the crime to him - the cowboy catches up with the bandit, he disarms him and ties him to a tree - the old man who is to watch over the captive gets drunk and falls asleep - the girl in white, armed with a revolver, frees the bandit, her lover, and they both tie the watchman to the tree instead - the cowboy returns and again fights with the bandit - the girl in white is accidently shot during the ensuing duel - the cowboy leads the handcuffed bandit away.
The story is of an old man and his daughter, he so addicted to gambling that they are penniless. Because of her beauty and her pleadings the gambler gives back the money the old man has lost and thenceforth refuses to allow him to play in his place. Later he assists in preventing the old man from gambling elsewhere.
Andy Carson, puncher on the Lazy X ranch, is in love with Gladys, daughter of Col. Pierce, the ranch owner. Gladys likes the young puncher, but when Jack Brinsley, a young Eastern friend of her father, comes to spend Christmas at the ranch, she speedily transfers her affection to the Easterner.
A Western story turning upon the cleverness of Shorty Blair, an express messenger, who assumes to be a tenderfoot and outwits a gang of desperadoes that follow him for the package of money he carries.
The scenes are laid in the Hudson Bay country in comparatively recent years and cover the life of a Hudson Bay factor, showing him as a young man assuming his business in the wilderness and, as was common in those days, taking an Indian wife that he had purchased of her father in Indian fashion.