Nora, who is the president of the Bachelor's Club, receives a letter announcing the death of her uncle in the west and that he has made her heir to his immense fortune. Including a ranch at Grey Oaks. Nora decides to go west and take charge of the ranch and run it herself a la suffragette fashion. She invites all the girls to go with her and they start for their new home. Arriving at Grey Oaks they pay no attention to the cowboys who greet them at the station but go at once in the old stage-coach to the ranch. The cowboys follow, approach the ranch, offer their services and are rewarded by being driven from the premises. The boys make up their minds to "get next" to the girls and devise a scheme.
Silas Kendall, a prospector, and his daughter Nell, so the story goes, are prospecting in the mountains, a few miles above Canyon City, a little western town, and the basis of supplies for the hundreds of more or less successful gold prospectors. Kendall has built him a cabin and he and his daughter, a robust little woman, have managed to eke out a living, always hopeful some day of making the "big strike."
In the mountain wilds of Tennessee there is no end to the manufacture of moonshine whiskey. Whole families live on this nefarious trade and many of them die by it. The men who work at this business are constantly hunted by United States revenue officers as violators of the law for manufacturing of liquor without a special license. The "Mountain wife" loves her husband and stands by and shields him from his enemies, the officers; when they are on his track she hides him, then throws them off his trail, giving him time to escape in the mountain fastnesses, as we are shown in this interesting and thrilling picture.
Jason Watkins, a real estate and loan agent, enters his office in the little Arizona town of Navajo, to find that during the night robbers have visited the place and broken into his safe, taking with them a large sum of money and other valuables. Watkins immediately notifies the sheriff, a posse is hurriedly organized and a search made for the culprits.
Jeff Bandera, outlaw, has been capture by the sheriff, who is taking him by rail to the nearest lockup. Jeff is desperate and when the train slows down to a curve he makes a leap through the window and, despite his handcuffs, escapes serious injury. Before the sheriff can leave the train and pursue him Jeff has taken refuge in the gulches of the rough country
The scene opens in the bunk house of the Lazy K Ranch, where we see Jack Hartley and his pal Jack Smythe. Hartley has just received a letter from the east, in which his mother asks him for money. Hartley is much depressed. He is broke and sees no immediate prospect of recouping his fortunes. Smythe, learning of Hartley's dilemma, offers his roll to his pal, who gratefully accepts it.
In the bar-room of Lonely Gulch an actor is entertaining the cowboys by showing them various impersonations, when the mail arrives, and he receives a letter from his sweetheart to the effect that she has got hold of an easy mark, a ranchman from Lonely Gulch. The bartender also receives a letter from the ranchman asking him to tell the boys that he is returning the following day with a bride who is an actress. The next morning the ranchman and his bride arrive on the coach and are given a great welcome. On the solicitation of his bride he offers the actor employment on his ranch and he accompanies them there. A week later the ranchman, with the cowboys of whom the actor is one, start off for town, but the actor, pretending his horse has gone lame returns to the ranch, and getting back there, makes love to his sweetheart. The ranchman, who is suspicious, also turns and quietly follows and reenters the ranch.
Nellie Blair, the niece of a wealthy ranchman, and an orphan, comes in make her home with her uncle, and shortly after her arrival finds that the whole "Circle A" outfit, every manjack on the place, is in love with her.
In China, before leaving for America, Charlie Lee promises that he will never dishonour his family by cutting his pigtail. Later, as a laundryman in a California mining town, Charlie is tormented by local men but is finally befriended by a young woman and her cowboy sweetheart. One of Charlie’s tormentors is a well-dressed idler and, secretly, a bandit who robs the mail. The cowboy and the bandit become rivals for the girl’s affections. Suspicious of the bandit, Charlie follows him, observes him robbing a mail-carrier, and contrives to capture him, cutting off his pigtail to bind the bandit. Rewarded for the bandit’s capture, but disgraced in his own eyes for dishonouring his family, Charlie gives the cash reward to the young couple and surreptitiously leaves Golden Gulch.
Patricia Watkins and her father are proprietors of the Lariat Saloon and dance hall but because of his small size and his tendency to keep in a state of perpetual drunkenness the old man has little to do with the business. Patricia as a barmaid meets all the riffraff of humanity drifting across the plains to the west and the Lariat Saloon is noted far and wide, not so much for the quality of its poisons as for the pretty maid who always offers a smile with the drink.
In this Western, the sergeant takes his commander’s daughter on a horseback ride along the Merced River (which actually might be Oregon's Clackamas River). When their horses are stolen by a renegade, they are forced to travel back to headquarters by foot and lose the trail. In the first clip, mounted troops search for the lost couple. The two are found the next day and the sergeant is disgraced. However, the sergeant proves his mettle when he escapes during an Indian attack and leads reinforcements to the rescue. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in partnership with National Film Preservation Foundation New Zealand Project in 2012.
The story, which is well known to every school child, is taken from Parkman's History and is presented without alteration or embellishment, and in the number of people employed and in the character or the scenic mountings is by long odds the greatest Indian production yet offered under the Kalem trade-mark. It will be remembered that Major Gladwynn, Commandant of Fort Detroit in 1763, had declared his love for a young Indian girl and she had become much attached to him. At this period Pontiac was at the height of his power and had sent emissaries about the villages of the Ottawas inciting war against the whites. The final plan involved the entry to the fort of a number of picked chieftains, each carrying a shortened gun beneath his blanket. The mission was ostensibly to be one of peace, but at a signal from Pontiac the chieftains were to drop their blankets and to massacre the whites.
"Pony" O'Brien, or Number 3 of the relay between two desert-bound western cities, draws his horse before his sweetheart's house and lingers somewhat longer with his packet of mail as he tells her the good news of a raise in salary which means they will soon be ready to marry.
Silver Bell, the winsome daughter of old Gray Wolf, is sought by Fleetfoot, a likely young man of the tribe and a good huntsman. Gray Wolf sees no reason why his obstinate daughter should not become the squaw of Fleetfoot and despite her pleadings to be permitted to stay in her father's tepee she is sold to Fleetfoot for the consideration of Tu-tu, the horse, and a red blanket.