A nostalgic, informative history of drive-in movie theaters, featuring extensive archival photographs and interviews with Leonard Maltin, John Bloom, Samuel Z. Arkoff, Barry Corbin and many others... Drive-In Movie Memories is a film celebration of America's greatest icon of youth, freedom and the automobile. What began as an auto parts owner's business venture to make some easy money accidentally became a magical place where romance, fun and a sense of community flourished. This film chronicles the drive-in's birth and development, its phenomenal popularity with audiences of all ages, its tragic decline, and its inevitable comeback as a classic form of Americana.
During the Exodus, one of the most famous miracles of the Old Testament took place. More than 3000 years have passed since Moses led two million Israelites across the Red Sea and out of the bondage of Egypt. Christians, Jews, and Muslims throughout the world still embrace the accounts of this remarkable event. It is an epic that so fascinated Hollywood director Cecil B. DeMille that he made THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, twice. Now THE EXODUS REVEALED follows the footsteps of the children of Israel in an unforgettable journey of discovery. A journey that reveals physical evidence for the Exodus including: the remains of 3800 year old Hebrew settlements in Egypt's Nile Delta; Egyptian records of the Israelites bondage under Pharaoh; the precise route they may have followed to freedom; their crossing site on the shore of the Red Sea; and the location of Mt. Sinai. THE EXODUS REVEALED brings to light the first significant archaeological "find" of the 21st century.
The Naked Dance is the first documentary about America's legendary legal red-light district that thrived in New Orleans from 1898 until World War I. Storyville got its name when Alderman Sidney Story attempted to clear up the New Orleans waterfront by restricting prostitution to a specific neighborhood. To his chagrin, the area was dubbed "Storyville," and it was so known until the U.S. Navy closed it for good in 1917.
This film traces the road of the Blues and takes us on a journey to mythical places: From the banks of the Niger to New Orleans, going up the Mississippi through Memphis to the skyscrapers of Chicago. It tells the story of this culture which faced the worst barriers and shows that Humanity can overcome barbarity.
Wendy, Veda, and J.C. are part of Southern California's thriving figure skating community - the bottom part. Luckily this is America, the land of opportunity, where a dream in your heart and personal gain in your sights can propel almost anyone to stardom. With this in mind Wendy, Veda, and J.C. are fighting their way to Olympic glory. But first they have to win the Regional Competition - and there can only be ONE winner. Will it be Veda? The beautiful ice princess who responds to her over-bearing mother by routinely puking up her lunch. Or Wendy? The plus-size skater with the super-plus libido. And what about J.C.? The orphaned trailer park girl who'd gladly trade you a pack of smokes for a sequined thong. Under the watchful gaze of Zamboni Phil, the girls train, toil and plot their way to success. Let the Games begin!
Oliver Cromwell may be synonymous with what is now known as the Commonwealth of England, but his early years were simple. That soon changed when he proved himself a fine soldier, able to do battle in his country and abroad, as detailed in this historical documentary. But he was also a cunning operator within the confines and pressures of political life, though in the end, his reign as a de facto monarch divided his people.
What ever happened to the Ark of the Covenant? Follow Biblical scholar Mike Sanders on a journey through the Middle East region to trace this lost Jewish treasure.
Hollywood is a town of tinsel and glamour; but there is another Hollywood, a place where maverick independent exploitation filmmakers went toe to toe with the big guys and came out on top.
Children of the Secret State follows Ahn Chol, a 29-year-old North Korean man who escaped from the country in 1997 by swimming across a river to China after his parents died of starvation. Chol has slipped back into North Korea several times since 1997 with a hidden camera to reveal a side of the communist nation that its government tries to hide from the outside world. In the documentary, viewers are exposed to many gruesome realities, including a food supply only available on the black market and small children fending for themselves to survive, scooping up spilled rice and corn.
Raw Spice is a fly-on-the-wall documentary like no other. It charts the formation of a girl band in 1994, a group who would go on to be the biggest selling girl band in history, five girls who became... The Spice Girls. This footage was shot two years before the girls had their first hit single. We see them living together in a tiny house in Maidenhead as they rehearse day in, day out, striving to become a success. We watch their rehearsals; and we discover their very distinctive personalities that we all know help make up the band. This includes never before seen footage of the girls speaking of their ambitions and fears, as well as their trademark outrageous behaviour and some titanic bust-ups. This is the girls before blockbuster hits, weddings, babies, and bust-ups. This is before stylists, PR People and make-up artists. THIS IS RAW SPICE.
Dave Rodney's summit celebration is short lived as he immediately faces a terrible tragedy. Two years later watch as he attempts to summit again even while plagued by the horrible memories.
It reveals the healing ritual called the N'Deup Healing Ceremony. Every gesture has a meaning: the dances, the millet, the beat of the drums together with the litanies pronounced by the priestess.
Sniping proved an important factor in the static trench warfare of World War One. But after the war armies let the skill languish has mechanized combat units came into their own. World War Two thrust snipers back into prominence as the Russian, German, British, American and Japansese armies trained new sniper forces in diverse ways to address their own specific battlefield requirements. Snipers effectively sewed fear and confusion among enemy forces but also suspicion in friendly forces since they worked alone outside the normal operation of infantry units.
This moving documentary chronicles the last year in the life of Robert Eads, a trans man dying of ovarian cancer. We're introduced to several prominent figures in Robert's life -- most importantly, his life partner and caretaker Lola Cola, who is also trans. The two prepare to lead a panel at the annual Southern Comfort conference, a yearly event created for transgender individuals.
This short documentary explores homophobic language and its consequences among teenagers. Name-calling and cruel language hurt, say the teens who speak in this video. Homophobic language is a common verbal put-down among young people, but many adults feel uncomfortable responding. This video is a tool for teachers, counsellors and youth groups to explore the origins of the words, how young people feel about them and how to overcome the pain they cause.