After a valiant Thai boy is brutally murdered by a gang of archeological looters, his soul is joined with the Hindu god Hanuman, who teams up with Ultraman and his brethren against familiar Ultra-foes unleashed by a weather control experiment gone awry, in this influential Thai-Japanese co-production.
Kinkón (1971), a silent adaptation of Merian C. Cooper and Ernest B. Schoedsack’s 1933 classic, King Kong. Zulueta re-filmed a television broadcast of the original, and through creative subtraction and manipulation of camera speed, condensed the original’s feature length to an intensified seven minutes. The cathode-ray flicker and flattening that results from the re-filming defamiliarises the original, but its classical continuity mode of address continues to operate on the viewer, and the increase in velocity makes mesmerisingly urgent the dramatic plot of the original. —Senses of Cinema
Little Tom Thumb's evil stepmother exploits him amd makes his life very hard, so the little shepherd boy decides to leave home and seek happiness in the world outside. There little Tom Thumb meets the Wind Mother, Forest Mother and a little old man on his way. Each of them gives him a chore to do that earns him a gift with magical power, which comes in handy when he has to defeat Scrooges, Lop-Eared Man and the Devil himself. While traveling in the world and looking for happiness, he realises he misses his grandmother and little sister...
Simon and Mark live together in London. When Mark dies of AIDS, Simon gets on with his life rather quickly, too quickly to suit the ghost of Mark, who reappears to disrupt Simon's cruising and then moves back into their flat to prompt Simon to experience and express feelings. Simon is adamant that feelings, especially love, are not for him. Subplots develop as Mark and Simon observe their neighbor Siobhan's love life and as Simon spends his days as a satellite-TV installer partnered with Dogger, a homophobe ignorant that Simon is gay. Is there any key that can unlock Simon's feelings and allow Mark to rest in peace?
An elderly man with wings is blown off course during a tropical storm in this symbolic fantasy. The Old Man lands near a Caribbean island where a poor family gives him shelter in a chicken coop. Father Gonzaga is the skeptical priest who rushes to damn the creature. Soon the Old Man is the subject of curiosity seekers as Elisinda and Pelayo start charging admission. A traveling carnival of human oddities camps near the Old Man as people flock to see the show. The Old Man is reduced to being an unwanted pet, and after six years, he mends his wings and flies away. Nudity, simulated sex with a spider woman, and the ugliness of human exploitation definitely put this fantasy in a category not for children.
Mix magical universe of Juan Rulfo, in which Juan Preciado, "Pedro Paramo", located incestuous siblings "Talpa" while Juvencio Nava, of "Diles que no me maten", flee several men who pursue for killing Colonel Terrones.
Chang is known for his lone swordsman and hero movies and strangely The Weird Man still reflects this. Cheng plays a righteous, beheaded priest with supernatural powers that returns from the dead to wreak havoc against one of the corrupt kingdoms, making Cheng a heroic swords-ghost.
In the heart of wild mountains, a dreadful devil, disguised as a pretty young woman, tries to seize Xuan Zang to devour him. The holy monk is an easy prey because, naive and good, he is easily misled by appearances. But fortunately he is accompanied by the Monkey King, who is clairvoyant.
The Mexican luchador Tinieblas buys an ancient painting of a dead woman ignoring the warning that it is haunted. Later, after a fight his partners El Fantasma Blanco and Mil Máscaras joins him in a party at his apartment with two beautiful ladies, but when the clock reaches midnight the painting transports them all to colonial times. In order to return home they must face Spanish Conquistadores, Aztec Warriors and an evil witch whose mother, an unstoppable living dead hungry for human sacrifices, is the woman in the painting.
The apparent vertical scratch in celluloid that opens Presents literally opens into a film within the film. When its figure awakens into a woman in a 'real' unreal set, the slapstick satire of structural film begins. It is not the camera that moves, but the whole set, in this first of three material 'investigations' of camera movement. In the second, the camera literally invades the set; a plexiglass sheet in front of the dolly crushes everything in its sight as it zooms through space. Finally, this monster of formalism pushes through the wall of the set and the film cuts to a series of rapidly edited shots as the camera zigzags over lines of force and moving fields of vision in an approximation of the eye in nature. Snow pushes us into acceptance of present moments of vision, but the single drum beat that coincides with each edit in this elegaic section announces each moment of life's irreversible disappearance.
Hell Virgin is granted permission to live on earth for 7 days, if she promises not to cause armageddon whilst she's there. She accepts and tries to enjoy her remaining time. but Hell Concubine has other plans.
A sweet tale about a young woman's dog that makes a deal with the Happy Ghost (Raymond Wong) to become human for 44 days. But after those days are over he must go and be reincarnated.
In one royal forest, where coal miner Patočka lives and works, the friendly dragon Mrak settles down. The king's lackeys come across him while hunting and, terrified, go to sell the news to the king. He is currently organizing his daughter Viola's birthday party. The hunters describe the dragon in terrifying colors, and so the king concludes that the dragon will, according to tradition, want the king's daughter. So he announces a reward for killing the dragon, but no one wants to fight him. The only one who applies is the princess's favorite, the lutenist Marian, but the king does not like him, so he throws him out. Her brother Jan wants to save the princess, but the king doesn't want to allow it...
Adapted from the Robert Cormier novel. This film follows the life of a young boy whose happy, if somewhat unusual life with his friends and family gradually starts to unravel, until the truth of the boy's situation is finally revealed.