As Gonad the Barbarian plans to rule the galaxy, the Sex Wars saga continues in full animation as Princess Orgasma, the great Princess Layme and Pussy La'Mour search out new sexual adventures in the far-flung erotic regions of outer space.
In the year 6470, a husband and wife team of explorers receive a mysterious distress signal from an astronaut who disappeared decades earlier. They leave their son on board their ship while they go searching for the missing astronaut — but fate intervenes, crash-landing the ship on a jungle-like planet populated by bulbous, telekinetic aliens and eerie stone gardens of frozen space creatures.
When a Klingon fleet under General Martok arrives at the station ostensibly to protect the Alpha Quadrant from the Dominion, Sisko recruits Lieutenant Commander Worf to discover the Klingons' true intentions.
Three years after his wife died at the hands of the Borg and following the Cardassian withdrawal from the planet Bajor, Commander Benjamin Sisko and a new crew of Starfleet and Bajoran officers take command of an abandoned Cardassian space station and make an incredible discovery that will change the galaxy and Sisko's future.
Ramirez trains the young Quentin Macleod (The Highlander) and prepares him for his future and current battles against the sinister immortals in the world. (First four episodes of the animated show edited into a feature length movie.)
Ten gives Ataru an alien disease, the contagious "Girl Measles," (which makes the victim's eyes turn big and twinkly, like the eyes of young girls in much of manga and anime), and when Ataru's girl-hunting spreads the virus all over Tomobiki Town, chaos ensues!
An alien decides to find out how much humans actually know about extra-terrestrials. The directorial debut of Mykhailo Titov, a master of chimerical animation of the 80s, is based on the story of the Ukrainian science fiction writer Volodymyr Zayets.
A South American president's daughter is kidnapped by revolutionary insurgents and taken to the jungle. He hires a group of mercs to rescue her, but a being from another planet is lurking...
Ron Slick is a Washington lobbyist who comes by Dr. Fez's "clicker" invention, which makes women errogeneously ex-tra-cited; Slick uses the clicker on a senator, a reporter, a police officer and two federal agents.
Some new age UFO lovers groups have announced that the Earth will be without energy and sunlight for three days. Three dark days of galactic cleaning by superior light brothers. Behind this apocalyptic resource is a depraved alien plan to start an invasion and supplant humankind leaders.
Dima got a prediction of his fast death in accident coming to him very soon. He sends the farewell letter to Lena and makes the courageous decision despite the "Will of the Universe"...
A shitty bar-singer bangs an alien woman and contracts a sexually-transmitted pacifism superpower. Can he sing enough to prevent a nuclear war, particularly before the evil aliens track him down and dispose of him?