Broncho Billy shoots an outlaw for making a disrespectful remark about his sweetheart. After the shooting he hastens to her home and tells her he has shot a man, but does not know who he is. Shortly after the remainder of the gang of outlaws arrive and, to learn the direction Broncho went, tell her it was her father who was shot.
Slippery Slim uses his position as postmaster in order to hold back all the invitations to Sophie's birthday party, except, of course, his own and that of the parson.
The hotel proprietor is a grouchy piece of humanity, and when his daughter receives attentions from young men he becomes very irate. To cap the climax, his daughter falls in love and becomes engaged to a fine-looking young chap. When the father discovers this, he rushes out and shoots his daughter's sweetheart.
Broncho Billy, an outlaw, is captured but eludes his captors, and while making his getaway, runs upon the county judge's daughter, who is helplessly trying to stop her runaway horse. He makes a thrilling rescue while going at top speed on horseback, but is captured by the posse and taken back to town.
Broncho Billy is a foreman on Roger Newman's ranch and is in love with his daughter, Mae. Newman finds this out, discharges Broncho Billy and sends Mae to visit her brother in the east. Broncho Billy kidnaps Mae from the stage coach and they marry, squatting on Newman's land.
Drink makes a brute of Broncho Billy and he does not realize what he is doing when under its influence. His wife and children are mortally afraid of him when he is in this condition and keep out of his way. At the saloon one day he provokes a quarrel with the one doctor of the town and wounds him with a shot from his gun.
Carnos, a greaser, is sent to jail. He is a very refractory prisoner and swears to get even with the sheriff when he is liberated. On the day of the greaser's release, the sheriff had captured Broncho Billy, an outlaw, and was bringing him to justice, when he is suddenly pushed from his horse by the outlaw, and is left to wend his way across the plains afoot. Broncho Billy escapes on the sheriff's horse and unknowingly stops at the sheriff's home for food. Looking through a window he sees the greaser about to take the life of the sheriff's wife.
Broncho Billy, a doctor and minister in the far west, is overwhelmed with grief one evening when he returns to his home to find a note from his wife stating that she could not bear the loneliness any longer and had gone to town with the man she loved. A few years later she is forced to her bed where she finally dies of a broken heart. Broncho had been told of her condition and hastens to her in time to kiss and forgive her. The negligent husband returns and Broncho Billy forgetting himself, is about to slay the man, when he suddenly remembers the note his wife had left for him, with these words, "Never forget your duty to your God."
A detective from the east is sent west to locate a notorious bandit and train robber. In the costume of a western cowpuncher he reaches a small town. He is injured by falling over a precipice. Broncho Billy finds him, carries him to his cabin and nurses him back to health. It is then that Broncho discovers that the detective is looking for him
Marguerite becomes weary as the hours and the Overland Limited roll on. Her trip from New York to the far west was a tedious one, and it is with a sigh of relief that she steps from the observation platform to pluck some flowers. The train had stopped for water. Marguerite wanders into the woods and when she returns, discovers that the train had pulled off. She is alone in a new country, without friends or funds.
Being in ill health, Fred Church goes west. Arriving there, he goes into partnership with Carl Stockdale. A few days after they strike pay dirt, Fred is taken with a paroxysm of coughing and Stockdale sends him back to the cabin to rest up. Realizing that the end is near, he writes a letter to his mother and sister, telling them he is going into the valley and not to worry if they do not hear from him, that his partner will send them his share every week.
Jeremiah Green receives a letter from his niece, stating that she is coming west, and is in the market for a husband. The news scatters fast throughout the western town, and when the fair Sophie arrives, her callers are numerous. One look at the three-hundred-pound debutante is enough to convince the men that they are not eligible for the marriage certificate, especially if Sophie is to be the bride.
Shakespeare the Second and Dan Rice the Third, would-be ham actors, blow into the town of Barnstorm. That afternoon they give a "free" performance, which is indeed terrible. Dan Rice passes the hat, only to receive cat-calls for his trouble. The hotel proprietor orders them to pay their bill and leave town.
Caleb Breen and Lucy Oliver are sweethearts and intend to marry just as soon as Breen strikes gold. Will Drummond arrives at Hillsdale, where he visits Henry McLean, a wealthy ranchman. Ruth, the ranchman's daughter, is engaged to Drummond. The stranger from the east meets Lucy one fine October morning, and the two become quite chummy.
The sheriff of Mendocino County receives a letter from Bill Kato, proprietor of a ranch, stating that he is tired of losing his cattle and that if he can't find time to do something in the matter, he will have to see the higher authorities. The sheriff at once starts out on the trail of the rustlers.
In these days of women's equal rights, it is not strange to find the fair sex taking the places of men in every occupation. Women physicians are not unusual, but a really beautiful one is, and would have her hands full taking care of every lovesick swain, who would develop every known disease to have the pleasure of letting her feel his pulse or hold his head.
Herbert Corrington, a would-be gambler and agent for an express company, not satisfied with the necessities of life, tries his luck at roulette, appropriating the express company's money. Robert, the son, is fast traveling in the footsteps of his father. The Sheriff in the next county is sent for a large package of money in Corrington's possession to be delivered to the Blue Ledge Mine for the payroll. Corrington gambles a thousand dollars of this money and loses. Broncho Billy, a professional gambler, loans Corrington the money necessary to replace the funds he had maliciously taken. Corrington gives the gambler a note payable in thirty days or his home as collateral in case of default.
In order to save his friend's life, Broncho Billy holds up the stage and takes money enough to pay the doctor. Jim Hart recovers and accidentally learns what Broncho has done for him, as he is about to pay back the amount stolen.