Tom Wallace lives with his uncle, John Higgins, and Tom is the sole heir to his uncle's wealth. Joe Watkins, the sheriff, and Higgins are life-long enemies, and when Higgins discovers that Tom is in love with Fern Watkins, he threatens to disinherit Tom.
Miss Satterly, the new schoolteacher, is loved by all the cowboys of the "Flying U" ranch. Weary is shy and only makes the acquaintance of the pretty schoolteacher by main force on the part of his cowboy companions.
Vicky pays a visit to her uncle's ranch in the west, and tells the cowboys that she could not love a man who is not an athlete. Tom and Sid, two of the cowboys, thereupon practice physical culture.
Rose Blake, daughter of the ranch foreman, is in love with Tom, the cook, and her father disapproves of the match. Blake finally discharges Tom, and the boys become disgusted when they try to prepare their own meals. Disguised as a young lady, Tom arrives at the ranch, where he is engaged by Blake as a cook.
When Tommy, an Eastern young man, arrives in a Western town, the cowboys see that he is a tenderfoot and make him dance to the tune of a gun. Beecher, a ranchman, Hazel, his daughter, and Sid, the foreman, who is in love with Hazel, rescue Tommy.
Tom Merry, a stagecoach driver, is in love with Vicky, daughter of Henderson, superintendent of the Eagle Mining Company. Henderson does not approve of his daughter's choice. Jordan, who works in the office, proposes to Vicky, is refused and when Jordan becomes insulting, Henderson discharges him. Jordan incites the men to a riot at the mining company's office and plans with two others, to hold up the stage which Tom drives, on his return trip and get the payroll.
When Ruth returns to the Bar "G" ranch after acquiring eastern polish, she chides the boys for chewing tobacco, cussing and smoking cigarettes. When Tom, the foreman, orders the boys out on the range to round up cattle they are pleased, for they are anxious to be away from Ruth's constant admonitions.
Tom Gilmore, a wealthy young easterner, loves Vicky, but she refuses to marry him because of her thoughts of the great free west. Vicky visits her uncle a western ranch owner. Tom decides to follow Vicky westward, and try the life of a cowboy. However, he reaches before Vicky, and soon learns the ways of the cowpunchers.
Tom Meyers and his partner have a little claim near a little western town. When Tom goes to town for supplies, he falls in with Slim Padgett, a bad man, who wagers that he can outride Tom. Tom races Slim and the contest is viewed by Betty Thompson, a ranch girl. Slim angered at being defeated, follows Tom to his mine, and discovers that Tom has found pay dirt.
Tom Bruce finds a thespian's life is not a happy one, and when the theatrical company goes on the rocks, he lands in a western town where a school master is desired. In order to eat three times a day, Tom teaches school and not the least interesting of his pupils is pretty Vicky Withers. An uncouth rancher known as Bill Stone loves Vicky, and when he sees that Tom Bruce and the girl are mutually attracted, he goes to Vicky's father.
Vicky Weathers arrives home at the B-O Ranch, after a long sojourn in the east. Her father sends Tom and Sid, two cowboys, to the train to meet her. Both boys fall in love with the beautiful girl. Each demands that the other stay in town while Vicky is driven home. Both become fierce rivals in the game of love and en route home each insists on doing his individual share in driving the horses, which very nearly precipitates a runaway.
Bill Miller, youngest member of the notorious Range Riders, gets job as pony express rider. Indians become dangerous on the war path. Bill forestalls plan of a bandit chief to rob mails while trying to win the love of a girl and the respect of "Uncle Sam."